Four of Hearts
In the darkness of the streets of the ancient city, there was a mysterious brothel known as "Four of Hearts". From the outside, it looked like the most ordinary house and no different from the other houses on this street, but its real life awakened after the sun went down.
The mistress of the brothel, a mysterious woman named Queen of Spades, chose her "artists" from the most beautiful and skillful women of the city. Each of them had a unique name that corresponded to one card from the deck, and under which her true identity was hidden.
Men from all over the city came here to escape from everyday life and immerse themselves in the world of temptation and luxury for a moment. Illuminated halls of the brothel created an atmosphere of mystery, and music gently enveloped each guest.
Although society condemned the existence of such places, Queen of Spades believed that she simply gave people the opportunity to escape to another world from their everyday problems and routines. For her, "Four of Hearts" was a place where you could find not only physical pleasure, but also mental rest.
Many years have passed since that time, the "Four of Hearts" brothel ceased to exist a long time ago and most of the "artists" retired and became happy grandmothers. Queen of Spades also disappeared, leaving behind the legend of the best brothel in the history of the city, where the happy and sad found solace and elusive happiness.