Quick question, is this your first time testing yourself this way? I'm just curious because I'd like to watch you play sometimes at FT, just to see what I can learn. Is that okay?
Pretty soon, philthy will need our help to supply him with avatars. We should probably have a philthy avatar competition.
As for those rules, I have no idea what I was thinking. So...eff them. Im just buiding a BR from $2...
It's surely a hard task to take $2 and turn it into $100 like you hoped. Is the $35 from the original $2? I'm confused since you said above you lost it and would have to quit. Or did you make a comeback of sorts?
BTW, I do know about proper BRM and everything. I follow it sometimes...and sometimes I just like to play whatever. My BR has had a lot of up and down swings, sometimes because of bad runs, other times because of my choices.
Ic. That clears things up a bit.
No, I don't doubt that. I like that that you were trying something different here. Someone who made that much from freerolls, I assume knows and applies a fair deal of some sort of decent bankroll management and poker skill.
oh yeah and i do not know if you mentioned wether to play 9 or 6 person tables...ofcourse i will be playing 9
I'm already doing this challenge - the unfortunate part is that the $2 bucks is my entire BR