Rational Madman
Platinum Level
Since I've moved up to 5NL at stars I've been trying the zoom tables. Specially due to the fact that there are no likely fish at all to find at regular tables.
And I see that there's some money to be made at zoom tables if you are very well disciplined.
* Some of my leaks as I see is that I call too much knowing that I am beat. Specially with premium hands.
* The other is over bluffing. I feel I shouldn't play more than 40-50BBs when bluffing because it's sometimes not worth it. You barrel once to win a small pot. But then it goes to the turn & you barrel again & goes to the river & you barrel again to be called by a station with a medium pair. So you loose almost your entire stack where you could've saved around 80-90 Bigs easily.
* The other one & very much related to the previous is, not knowing when to barrel flop & turn when you 3 bet from the blinds OOP & the V calls.
I've taken your advice into consideration & stared 3betting & folding more than flatting from SB john & it has worked really good but still I struggle in situations like this.
If anyone can give me some advice on these things I'd be very thankful.
It sometimes get super frustrating when you grind for more than an hour winning around 2-3 buyins then suddenly these mistakes pops up & you end up break even & loosing. So the winner seems to be the house. lol
Here's my graph so far at 5NL zoom 6max. I won't continue zoom on other sites just stars due to the fact I told earlier.
What is the yellow meaning?