Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
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lol, it could seem busted, but assure i am not toadly, HONEST, i am an index finger typer who types to fast for my own good, and as a result i am constantly typein the teh, but if you look at my personal info im sure you will see i am not toadly, but nice pick up anyway, just shows how very easy it could be to be wrongly accused of something and have very little chance of defending yourself, imagine being framed, WOW, that would be nearly as bad as drowning or burnig to death
So, if you were to say put percentages to those various things, would you drowning or buring to death be +EV at least 90% of the time while say being framed is -EV 100% of the time? Curious for your insight....:p ;)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2006
Total posts
well, as usual jack, you raise only good points

now to the best of my knowledge, drowning is indeed +EV at or above 67.35% lung capacity in 3 inches of water or more in temperatures of no less then 3 degrees Celsius, not taking into account the buoyancy coefficients of the clothes you have on at the time
The EV behind burning is nothing short of a myth, people say its +EV but its actually a 9.6-2 underdog to any drive by shooting or prison stabbing

being framed is 100% -EV if sent to maximum security, if you escape with just a stint in the local cell it is neither + or - EV, it is what they call infinite EV squared,
Alon Ipser

Alon Ipser

Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 20, 2005
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LMAO, have you ever considered looking for a job as a political speech writer, like say for the President
Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
Total posts
well, as usual jack, you raise only good points
I'm pretty sure this is true.:D

being framed is 100% -EV if sent to maximum security
So really, if you suck out and wind up in a minimum security country club, with a work release program kicker...EV increases by a factor of at least 10, I would think. Throw in the likelihood of conjigal visits with those you actually want conjigal visits from (opposed to bubba in max lock up - well unless you're into that sort of thing), and nearly 100% of the time you will be all in with the best of it.

Just some additional food for thought.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 15, 2006
Total posts
I'm pretty sure this is true.:D

So really, if you suck out and wind up in a minimum security country club, with a work release program kicker...EV increases by a factor of at least 10, I would think. Throw in the likelihood of conjigal visits with those you actually want conjigal visits from (opposed to bubba in max lock up - well unless you're into that sort of thing), and nearly 100% of the time you will be all in with the best of it.

Just some additional food for thought.

this is why your a better player than I, conjigal visits, thats deep man, very advanced, i plumb forgot about the conjigal factor