No longterm winners on the lowest limit online? I would say that's completely untrue. While yes the rake can be very high, winrates can also be very high on 1/2 cent.
Just no 😅
The other day while playing a tournament on Stars, I saw a player on my table with an old note I'd put on them (I'm a chronic note-taker).
This note says it is was last updated on 2011 but the note refers to stats taken from a few years prior to that.
While playing on Pokerstars prior to 2010
11/8 (VP$IP/ PFR) CBet-53% 136,000
hands at 2nl (1c/2c) he won $380.00
Playing style - 'mouse' based on playing style (this was rated by PokerEdge... & these stats. are from PokerTableRatings & PokerEdge)
That is a winrate of 14bb/100. I doubt one could have a winrate of 14bb/100 playing 2nl with a playing style this tight in 2024.
Back in 2008, while building up bankrolls & doing many different promos (across dozens of sites) I took a bit of time to play on 888Poker, starting off with a challenge playing 2nl tables. It was INCREDIBLY soft back then on
888 and at the time I had a winrate of 45bb/100 hands while 20 tabling. (very hard to believe). A big contributing factor for this was 888 had a sign up promo where they'd give new players $10 to play with (might've been $8.88... I don't recall). Gazillions of players would open up dozens of accounts and they'd play like total maniacs on the tables. I was making ~$15/hr while playing 2nl - - eezy peezy. Also, the player pool was VERY LARGE. (ie. when signing up for sng's & they'd fill up before you could click 'enter')
Today I'm not sure what winrate a person could achieve on 888poker... not to mention that they cut it back to 4 tables (initially back in 2011'ish' they cut it back to 6 tables at first). It'd be definitely higher on 888 vs. some other sites (WPT is very soft too so is iPoker network (< but small number of players on there),
partypoker at 2nl is also filled with lots of fish & would be easy to win there as well.
It would be interesting to see what a player could win today while playing at 2nl
@AKShark there's my answer to your original post
TLDR 'Yes'
Same player switched to play MTT's in 2017.
On Pokerstars they've played 17,684 average buyin: $5.49 ROI +23% Profit: +$23,960