Silver Level
Completely wrong! You WANT your opponent to have AA or KK, because they'll give you the implied odds you're after. Plenty of times I've called big raises with a small pocket pair, hit a set and busted them out. Particularly if you can see in Poker Tracker that they only raise 1% of the time - you know exactly where you stand.I love Allsops post that's hilarious. people that raise six times the big blind are begging for a call. It's a raise you could only make with Kings or Aces. When I see this raise I sit around for a little bit before I fold. I can just picture them sitting at their computer begging call call call call. Hilarious this is the absolute worst play in poker. You get aces or kings about one in every 110 hands they are just throwing that opportunity away. As for Allsop I can't wait to pick up a huge hand if I see you at the table. I love seeing that play made, it's beautiful. Fricking hilarious. You should absolutely never ever ever call this bet though you are sure to be an 85 to 15 dog or at best a 70/30 never call this bet it almost always means Kings or Aces. I repeat NEVER call this bet. Just have some fun with them and pretend you really have a decision and then sink their heart with the inevitable fold.