AA in hand what is the best strategy to proceed?

Andrew Popov

Andrew Popov

Bronze Level
Jul 21, 2015
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Hi fellows, I want another of your opinion on this.
When we have AA in hand how to make maximum out of it? Do we go all in preflop or do we slow play it? What is the best trick to get maximum out of it?
The correct option is that you should play everything with AA as many times preflop as you are sure that you will get at least one call. The main reason why you can't go all-in preflop every time is because you won't get paid. But if there are players at the table who pay preflop, play preflop!


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2023
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Freerolls and low bets only ol-in :unsure:
If You play freerols or satelites and You have got possibilities to do rebuys - it is a important reason to play alin because You can earn chips from at least half of current table table. People playing freerolls call all in with 35o, 79o, 23s; 27s. Of course sometimes they are winning. But believe me - AA are winning more often.


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2023
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this moment my opponent show 100% AA Hand Power - He got 4 of kind. I was Flush draw after turn ( with 108s and AQs at the table)

(I think that I have just learned to use that tool :)
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Rock Star
Bronze Level
Jan 14, 2024
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It depends on several things. It depends on how the hand was played pre-flop, what player you're playing against, whether the flop cards were favorable to you or not...
But generally we have to play aggressively with AA, after all, it's the strongest pre-flop hand.


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2023
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I'm sorry, but I have to brag - I'm so amused. Sometimes even 23s can be a good hand. I never play it, but I had a big tilt, and I just checked it on the button. See how it ends :)


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 6, 2024
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3bb or all-in its good for betting on a trap, I often lose by a street, flush or 3 cards


May 7, 2020
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Depends on the situation, If I was first to act in a hand I would always put in a 3X bet to tell the table I have something decent in my hand, It's up to them to decide what it could be, A/K,A/Q, A/A or whatever.
If no one called then fine I won the blinds and antes, but if you get callers, then you need to be wary of their hands, they could also be playing a Pocket pair they like or even their favourite suited connectors.
But if someone on the table decides to raise on top of your 3X bet, then watch out for fireworks, because I am coming back over the top with the all-in shove, Why? because I want that pot, called or folded by the other players I really don't care, If someone believes I am trying to bluff them into thinking I am holding A/A then I am saying it's no bluff and if you don't believe me then put your money where your mouth is and find out.
Sure I could lose, and have lost against other players calling my all-in bet, but if you are not going to play A/A aggressively telling the whole World you are holding the best starting hand in Poker why play it at all.
Slow playing it is all fine and good if you hit the flop, but if you miss, then you need to decide has your opponent made the nuts or is he just playing a single pair in his hand? Continuing after the flop with just a pair of Aces is not a guarantee you are going to win, even if it is the top pair, so you need to be cautious or just shove and trust the Poker Gods are on your side.
I have seen flops of A,5,5, with me holding Pocket Aces and you think Wow! I have a Full house, only to find he slow played Pocket 5s, It happens, but I will guarantee there is not a player in the World that is going to fold A/A after seeing a flop like that.
Own it! get used to it! because it will happen if you play enough hands, and over 20 odd years I have played Thousand's of hands.


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2023
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I don't know the best strategy, but I never limp.
I agree with you, buddy @youriko oyama. In my opinion limping or just calling isn't good idea. I also agree with previous speakers that it depends on many factors :geek:.
First of all, I would like to point out, that I have been playing poker for a short time🐟, and my experience only concerns playing online poker. Nevertheless, I had the pleasure of playing these cards many times. I'll also be honest that I definitely feel a little bit more comfortable with AK, AQ or even AJ suited.
I definitely play Freerolls the most, so they come first. (my bankroll is the same size most of the time, and it is zero :ROFLMAO:).
So, If I had received the "AA Hand" right after the tournament started, I don't know if I would have even entered the game:unsure:.
Unfortunately, due to the specific nature of this type of tournament (it is for free(y) and rebuys are possible) therefore, I can safely assume that at least 4 or more players go all-in (moreover it often happens, that all active players at the table go all-in:eek:). As a result, I am exposed to fight against a large number of players:ninja:. The same danger exists when you limp in UTG position or just call beeing at later position (middle, cut-off, button). The chance that I will win the hand is unfortunately small(n).
[A few days ago, in two tournaments in a row, I had "AA Hand" in the first hand. I lost both hands and was eliminated:mad:. The first hand was won by the player in the UTG position with cards: 27 not-suited (two deuces appeared on the flop). I also finished the second tournament in the first hand - I lost to a player who had 48 in his hand (similar situation - this time a flop with two eights). If I only had the possibility to rebuy, I am sure that these chips would be back to me in the next few minutes. Unfortunately, later that day, I lost multiple times with over 90% chance of winning after TURN. My opponents were getting the nuts on RIVA, having a 4.5% chance of receiving a card that gave them a better hand than mine. I know it's just a game. But it destroyed my head. I didn't believe it was possible, so much, so that I started searching the Internet for information about cheating in online poker. I won't talk about what I heard - I don't want to go back to it. At the end of the day I contacted Stars Support to close my player account].
Please remember, that in most cases, only after all five cards appear on the board, You can be sure, that Your cards are the strongest. Well, sometimes there is a draw, because the opponent has an equally strong hand.
So, my piece of advice for those who play freeroles and can't afford to make rebuys (like me), is to simply join the tournament a few minutes after it starts. After these few minutes, lucky gamblers will be eliminated and our Aces may become much more valuable in future hands.
The obvious disadvantage of this solution, is that you may miss the opportunity: to take all the chips from the table when you are lucky and your two Aces were the strongest. It's a great feeling when you have a huge advantage over your opponents after the first hand🥳.
Another issue worth paying attention to here is that in this type of tournaments the antes and blinds grow very quickly. If you join a tournament too late, you may not have enough time (and luck) to have a chance of winning. With a stack of less than ten times the big blind - it will be difficult, and one wrong decision may cause you to end the tournament earlier than you would like.​
I am sure that the AA Hand should be played differently in the bubble or Finale Table. Playing all-in could be a solution 😎, that offers many benefits😎, such as:
- putting pressure on opponents 💪- aggression is necessary in this game and that's what it's all about.
Let them worry about making this difficult decision 🤷‍♂️ to check or not to check? The fear causes players to fold really strong hands. Their frustration and Tilt increase🤬😡. This causes them to start making mistakes and...♿⚰️
- If one of the players will decide to call You - there is a very possible that You will win. Everyone knows that AA Hand is the strongest 🥇starting hand you can get. Winning a hand will increase your stack, and your opponents will be afraid to call You next time. This will allow you to bluff :poop:, because others will think it's better to wait for another opportunity, than to see two aces in your hand again. Of course, there is no 100% certainty, but look at the attached photo:


I hope that my opponents, with whom I played at the table back then, will never see this [42o-no harts in my hand]:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
If you know these players, please do not show this to them 😜
I am sure, that if I had waited for a good hand: like AA KK AKs, I would never play at the final table🙈🙉🙊:


Let's remember that bluffing is an integral part of effective poker play.
Maybe someone will think that I've gone a bit off topic. But my advice for playing "AA Hand" is simple:

☯️☯️☯️"AA Hand" - Play that hand like all other hands. 2,5xBB Rise Pre Flop. Rise 100% Pot after flop. Rise 100% Pot after turn. Play alin after Riva. Play the same style also 43o. Your oponents never guess Your cards. ☮️☮️☮️

By the way - after a long conversation with Stars support I gave up my desire to close my account. So, see You at the table my Friends.
I'm not afraid of aces in their hands! Let them be afraid of even a jack in my hand - he i able to beat even 4 of kind Aces.

Love You all my Friends


Rock Star
Bronze Level
Feb 21, 2023
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Depends on the situation, If I was first to act in a hand I would always put in a 3X bet to tell the table I have something decent in my hand, It's up to them to decide what it could be, A/K,A/Q, A/A or whatever.
If no one called then fine I won the blinds and antes, but if you get callers, then you need to be wary of their hands, they could also be playing a Pocket pair they like or even their favourite suited connectors.
But if someone on the table decides to raise on top of your 3X bet, then watch out for fireworks, because I am coming back over the top with the all-in shove, Why? because I want that pot, called or folded by the other players I really don't care, If someone believes I am trying to bluff them into thinking I am holding A/A then I am saying it's no bluff and if you don't believe me then put your money where your mouth is and find out.
Sure I could lose, and have lost against other players calling my all-in bet, but if you are not going to play A/A aggressively telling the whole World you are holding the best starting hand in Poker why play it at all.
Slow playing it is all fine and good if you hit the flop, but if you miss, then you need to decide has your opponent made the nuts or is he just playing a single pair in his hand? Continuing after the flop with just a pair of Aces is not a guarantee you are going to win, even if it is the top pair, so you need to be cautious or just shove and trust the Poker Gods are on your side.
I have seen flops of A,5,5, with me holding Pocket Aces and you think Wow! I have a Full house, only to find he slow played Pocket 5s, It happens, but I will guarantee there is not a player in the World that is going to fold A/A after seeing a flop like that.
Own it! get used to it! because it will happen if you play enough hands, and over 20 odd years I have played Thousand's of hands.
Beautiful words, my Friend @Pokerpoet2 , and a beautiful approach to the game of poker! Pure Essence. I often repeat, and do the same thing! Even if I'm in the leader's seat and it's the bubble phase - I play properly, not hide under the table. Even if we lose today, we are doomed to win in the long run. There is need to have balls and fire to play this game, to win the best prizes. The chickens will sit under the table and hatch the eggs. Nice to know You and nice that You are here!



Bronze Level
Feb 5, 2019
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All in preflop in most of the cases. When you don't feel it raise preflop and see what is going to happen on the flop.


Dec 25, 2014
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It depends on the situation . If you are deep stacked EP it's good to try and trap some players after you , sometimes I limp . Nowadays I am able to fold AA on the flop if it's a very wet board with many players interested on it . If I see that I might be behind
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