Silver Level
I honestly wouldn't know what my stats would be like in FR. Tighter, obviously, since I'd have another 3 positions in which I'd be squeaky-tight. Maybe 15/12 or something like that? I definitely think it's OK to play this way in FR as well.
Like I said, I've found no evidence suggesting (at 200NL, at least) that LAG players even make more money than TAGs. If that's because the style isn't as profitable or because the players who play it can't do it properly, I couldn't say. So if you're struggling with turning a profit on certain hands, just fold them. If you later on get better at playing in certain situations, they might now show a profit so you can start playing them again.
Running filters and re-examining your preflop play (or your profitability for certain hands/positions) routinely is a little bit like having your car serviced. Not particularly fun, but useful and saves you a lot in the long run.
ok FP, its good to see that at even 200nl this approach or style of TAG works profitably as 200nl is a good level of poker and you can indeed make a living there. Do you think or see a reason why the same TAG style wouldnt work at FR?
What filters are you running to service your game as I havent ever really run filters and would be interested to see the outcomes of some.
Finally how many tables are you playing?