Dorkus Malorkus said:
Do you revert to spouting out random crap every time a part of your argument is proven wrong? If so, I'll just stop responding now. Let me know, thanks.
Quite the contrary...all of the crap I spout out is fully thought through.

I'm offended by the accusation that my crap is random.
Jack Daniels said:
I completely agree. See, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
Dorkus Malorkus said:
Now see, your response here is much more like random crap, don't ya think? Although, I'm not accusing you as it is quite possible that you have put a lot of thought into this.
Dorkus Malorkus said:
Actually, you should read what I have posted, as it would become apparent to you then that you've taken the small part you quoted out of context.
This confuses me a little. I did read what you wrote, and while I did trim it down, you specifically accused me of trying to cover up that fact that I thought folding was correct. Specifically, you said, "...I still think you're trying to cover up the fact that you somehow think folding was good..."
How did I misread this? There is no cover up. I do believe that folding here was correct. If put in the
exact situation again, I would fold again. Notice I put the word exact in italics and underlined. I don't want you to think I will simply fold AA at any given time.
Dorkus Malorkus said:
Again, grow up. I am actually trying to help you by showing that you are wrong here, but part of me wonders why I should bother when you are seemingly so ungrateful for my efforts.
Again, help me understand your response. I should "grow up" because I asked you questions? Or was it questions you didn't like? Based on your previous messages, I figured these were valid questions. Let me try it again...
Is it going to suffice for me to type it in? Or do I need to go get a soft copy and publish an official version? I just want to be sure that if I post it, your first response isn't going to be, "yeah, but where is the official transcript, you just typed this in.
Would you like to take another crack at answering the above questions?
Dorkus Malorkus said:
This was simply a retaliatory statement. But you didn't respond and I don't see a denial. Was I right? See, just one more example of you intentionally ignoring certain things that I type. You've been doing this from your first post.
Dorkus Malorkus said:
You appear to be assuming that you're always going to win the tournament if you fold. I'm not making that assumption. It is impossible to win a tournament if you fold. Imagine that heads up. Fold, fold, fold. Eventually all my chips would be gone. That would just be silly.
As I've said before and am saying again, this was a calculated fold in a very specific situation. Nothing more. (Side Note: for those of you following the on-going drama/saga, the official count for how many times this has been said, based on a previous post, is now 256758482
And while I do think you think you are attempting to help, until you stop simply spouting your numbers out without due consideration for other information presented, it's a poor job at helping. I'd much rather you simply said, "I don't agree with that decision because (enter monologue here). But I'm glad it worked out for you."
Now, one thing in all of your math that you've intentionally neglected to include consideration for is the fact that I would have been calling from the fourth stack out of five stacks. So while winning would have potentially quintupled me up, for all but one loss scenario I would have been knocked out of the tourney.
I'm guessing that your next post will now include this fact tied to your math in an attempt to "prove" me wrong. Although, I could be wrong about that.
Thanks for all of the help you've been so far.