Killing me softly
Silver Level
Ok so I know the SB in this hand had AA which along with him having a set is the worse case scenario but allows us to do the maths around the dry side pot. My equity calculator shows us with 49.3% so a flip. What this means is that there is virtually no difference in EV between calling and shoving.
At the point the BB shoves there is 34.4$ in the pot. If both us and the SB call the pot is 72$ and we have 38$ behind.
If we brick the turn and the SB shoves we have 38 to win 110 an easy call with our 30% equity with the river to come so we are never folding.
I'm still waiting for some feedback on the hand before I post the full result of the hand.
If anyone wants to check the math feel free but essentially against AA it doesn't matter if we call or shove. Not sure how it works against wider ranges but has to be better for us in terms of EV.
well he doesn't always have AA, his range matters which i did above. calling is better if turn gets checked a lot and we get paid when we hit