"Preposterous move. Totally non-sense, because now Whale can call only with Kx, and hands that have us dead and fold all the rest. "
Carlos, you say the Whale will play when when he is ahead but fold behind. My experience of Whales is that they spray chips regardless of where they stand on any street.
Thanks for your attention and reply here mate. I will answer this out of respect for the CardsChat community.
Yes, I agree that I have exaggerated, Whales can do anything, including calling down a push OTT when it comes an overcard, having an underpair or a lower pocket pair.
This is not the point of the hand anymore. The point is that I made a very simple comment and the poster seemed not to undertand, which is very strange for me, because it plays 100 NLHE not 2 NLHE:
When I say that the player was polarizing its bet preflop, and the player says that it doesn't understand what I am saying, it looks like a mockery, irony, sarcasm.
Besides, other players had said exactly the same I did, but the poster didn't waste its time to tell others that they are "clueless", but for me.
You are right, whales spread chips regardless of the board configuration sometimes, but at 100 NLHE we don't expect it to happen very often.
The point I was trying to figure out is quite simple:
1) We bet for Value and for bluff, not because we felt ourselves on the mood for putting chips on the table, like the poster showed in its own comment.
2) We avoid to turn strong value hands into bluff, unless on very specific scenarios: TT is a very strong hand, but when it comes a Jx, Qx, Kx or Ax, we need to rethink and evaluate the situation again.
3) When we elect to jam OTT, and that's that I was trying to say with my poor comment is that is completely non-sense, to give the recreational player the opportunity to be folding 99, 88, 77, and other losing hands and to call down only when it have us beat. They can be calling with trash hands, but once we give the chance for them, we are being the recreational ourselves.
4) Yes, it seems that many hands are played like this, with no interest into logics and poker structure, but only about ego situations and that's I cannot stand. For this reason I am going to quit my posts here on the forum.
5) When we jam OTT, and we expect worst hands to be paying we are being so recreational. When we jam OTT we have no other option, we turned a value hand into a bluff and now only god can decide our lives: poker is a game where we have options, we can choose between, betting, checking, the sizing of our bets, it is the only thing we can really control and when I see these exploitative lines, versus players that DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE GAME, I feel myself overwhelmed and embarassed at the same time.
I feel ashamed to be a poker player when I see that.
Carlos 'Aballinamion' Barbosa