Jacki Burkhart
long winded rambler...
Silver Level
Hopefully I'm posting this in the right section.
I'm a woman player (if you can't tell by my username)
I am constantly disappointed at how few women play, and then among those of us who do, I'm frequently disappointned in our results.
To me, the characteristics needed to be a successful poker player are:
*basic math competence
*situational awareness
*well timed aggression
Now, I know supposedly men are better at math than women, but that is really only pertinent to upper level theoretical math. Poker math is like 5th or 6th grade math at best. So I think for poker math, any high school graduate who bothers to apply themselves will have the same performance in the "poker math" department.
As far as patience and psychology I think women in general are better at these 2 things. I know I'm stereotyping...this entire thread is a stereotype so ignore this post if you don't like it!
Situational awarenes....I don't know if I think either gender has an edge here....
Then that brings me to the last item on my list which is aggression.
Clearly, men have an advantage in the aggression category. Do we really think this is the primary reason that men outperform women in poker?
Am I missing anything else obvious? Am I overstating the performance of male players in relation to female players?
I'm a woman player (if you can't tell by my username)
I am constantly disappointed at how few women play, and then among those of us who do, I'm frequently disappointned in our results.
To me, the characteristics needed to be a successful poker player are:
*basic math competence
*situational awareness
*well timed aggression
Now, I know supposedly men are better at math than women, but that is really only pertinent to upper level theoretical math. Poker math is like 5th or 6th grade math at best. So I think for poker math, any high school graduate who bothers to apply themselves will have the same performance in the "poker math" department.
As far as patience and psychology I think women in general are better at these 2 things. I know I'm stereotyping...this entire thread is a stereotype so ignore this post if you don't like it!
Situational awarenes....I don't know if I think either gender has an edge here....
Then that brings me to the last item on my list which is aggression.
Clearly, men have an advantage in the aggression category. Do we really think this is the primary reason that men outperform women in poker?
Am I missing anything else obvious? Am I overstating the performance of male players in relation to female players?