As if exposing his genitalia during an all-in bet and then subsequently being disqualified from the 2019 WSOP Main Event wasn’t problematic for Ken Strauss, he’s in even more hot water now. The clearly disturbed poker player posted threatening tweets on Saturday and was arrested later that evening.

On a positive note for Strauss, he made CardsChat’s list of memorable moments from the WSOP. So, he’s got that going for him, which is nice (“Caddyshack” reference, for you youngsters). But that’s about all he appears to have going for him at the moment. Well, except for having a roof over his head. Granted, that roof covers the Clark County Detention Center, but still.
Don’t Try this at Home, Folks
Strauss made headlines on Day One of the Main Event for inexplicable actions following an all-in bet. After shoving his chips in the middle of the pot, he stood up from his chair and proceeded to remove his shorts, exposing his buttocks and genitalia to the hundreds of players and dealers in the room.
That, apparently, wasn’t enough to get his point across – whatever point it was he was trying to make. So, he then tossed his shoe at the dealer for good measure. As you probably guessed, he was disqualified from the tournament. It’s unclear if the exposed junk sent him to the rail or if it was the shoe tossing incident.
Afterwards, he left the Rio and traveled down the road – hopefully in the passenger seat – to the nearby Luxor Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. That is where he again exposed himself to patrons, this time while standing on top of a craps table. No, this isn’t fake news.
It’s Not Funny Anymore
Many poker fans found some humor in Strauss’ behavior at the WSOP. But what he did on social media on Saturday is certainly no laughing matter.
The 45-year-old apparent exhibitionist and potentially dangerous man posted a threatening tweet that landed him in jail.
Clark County Detention records indicate he was booked on Saturday evening for making threats, an act of terrorism. He was given a $20,000 bond of which he posted on Sunday.
After Strauss’ message spread on social media, many Las Vegas residents alerted the police. With the October 1, 2017 mass shooting at on the Strip still fresh in the city’s minds, locals aren’t taking any chances.
Strauss has posted some incoherent and odd tweets since his WSOP incident. In one post, he claimed he is accepting cash offers from the poker media to tell his story. That of course, isn’t true as no outlet would pay money to someone who isn’t a major celebrity. And then there are posts such as the following which are head-scratching.
It’s safe to say he won’t be posting any goofy – or threatening – tweets any time soon. And Las Vegas will probably be safer if Krauss seeks help.