Adam Schwartz of the DAT Poker Podcast shared troubling information on Twitter about poker player Brad Booth. The former high-stakes pro was reported to police as missing, and no one seems to know about his whereabouts since July 13.

Booth infamously went from being “up a Ferrari, down a Ferrari” in a day to being “up an ’87 Honda Civic with a dent in the front or down that,” he said in a 2014 interview.
Ten years ago, during the poker boom era, Booth played the highest stakes games in Las Vegas. He sat in Bobby’s Room for hours on end each day grinding away $2,000/$4,000 limit games and $300/$600 no-limit games. During a four-month span while living at Bellagio, he claims, he only went outside a few times.
But that lifestyle quickly changed around 2012 when he lost everything and became heavily indebted to numerous poker players. Now, his whereabouts are unknown and some are concerned.
Where is Brad Booth?
It’s unclear where Booth is right now, but Adam Schwartz asked his followers to retweet his post about the former poker star to raise awareness.
Brad Booth's friends are very worried for him, he was last seen in Reno July 13 when he told his roommate he was going camping, attached is MP report
If you have any information about Brad or his whereabouts please tweet it at me
Plz RT for awareness
— Adam Schwartz (@ASchwartzPoker) August 4, 2020
“Brad Booth’s friends are very worried for him, he was last seen in Reno July 13 when he told his roommate he was going camping,” Schwartz tweeted, with a link to a missing person’s report filed on July 30.
According to that report, Booth was last spotted on July 13. His last known whereabouts were reportedly the Grand Sierra Resort Casino in Reno, Nevada. Booth, who drives a 2002 Silver Toyota Tacoma with Nevada plates 601PMR, reportedly told his roommate on July 13 he was going camping, but only took minimal items — enough to sustain him for a day or two. He hasn’t been spotted or contacted any of his friends or family since.
“Got a bad feeling about this,” Twitter user @RIPJDILLLLA wrote in response to Schwartz’s tweet. Another user claims to be close to the poker player and called for the poker community to help find Booth.
Guys please Brad is my brother his mom n me same bday, name and I lived w him. Years n year. I’m crying pls msg me he wouldn’t run away, they wouldn’t kill him. Please someone help @phil_hellmuth @RealKidPoker @Joeingram1 @themouthmatusow @ToddBrunson
— Apex Predator-King Kong Shit (@fan_couver) August 4, 2020
Over the past eight years, Booth ran up a massive debt to numerous poker players, including Doug Polk who claimed in 2012 he transferred Booth $28,000 on the Lock poker site in return for cash, but didn’t receive the money. Instead, he says, Booth blew money gambling.
The missing poker pro had some impressive moments on the felt, however. He twice appeared on the popular poker show “High Stakes Poker” where he won around $300,000. During one episode, he pulled off a memorable bluff against Phil Ivey.
Booth called a $14,000 three-bet pre-flop with 4-2 of spades — Ivey holding kings. The flop came 3-6-7 with just one spade. Booth check-raised Ivey’s $23,000 bet all-in for $300,00 and got his opponent to fold.
If you have any information about Booth’s whereabouts, Schwartz encourages you to tweet it at him.