top EARNING Double acts …in TV & Film?
We take a look at some of Hollywood's most famous and loved duos and find out which actors have earned the most together.
Highest Earning Duos
Whether it's cartoon twosomes, star-crossed lovers or crime-busting buddies…double acts dominate our screens. So, we rummaged through TV & film archives to discover which dynamic on-screen duos raked in the biggest bucks. Check out our table below to see which partnerships are better (off) together.
Double Acts
It clearly pays to be an acting "couple". We've taken a closer look at the top three highest earning acting duos across TV & film. Find out just how much the actors behind your beloved characters got paid each minute.
Top Earning TV & Film Families
It’s not just duos that make the most moolah at the movies. We love to watch dysfunctional family units, too. With this in mind, we also took a look at individual cast earnings from TV & film’s most famous families. Check out the results below.

The Methodology
So, how did we do it? To find out who the highest earning duos were, we researched the individual earnings of each actor that was famous for being part of a pairing in popular US TV shows and movies.
We then calculated the combined costs of the actors’ salaries to come up with the top earning overall duos.
We used the same research methods and approach to work out the highest earning families in US TV shows and movies.