Silver Level
I joined PokerNordica today through the CardsChat link and made an initial minimum deposit in anticipation of our week of private freerolls there later in the month. I was disappointed to find out after the fact that the $500 First Deposit Daily Freerolls have been discontinued. Anyone registering a new account after yesterday, Sunday, August 12, 2007, will not be allowed to participate in these freerolls. They will come to an end altogether when everyone who signed up prior to the cut-off date has enjoyed their 14 days of freerolls.
Note that this information appears nowhere on their site as of 19:00 Eastern time here in the States. I have browsed their website, read the terms and conditions, read the FAQ's and the information regarding tournaments and freerolls. The First Depositors freeroll is still listed as an active event with no mention of its demise. I took this to be highly misinformative and intentionally misleading, and told the support team at PokerNordica as much when replying to the following response to my query as to why I couldn't get signed in:
"Hi Jim,
We are sorry to inform you that we no longer offer the $500 First Depositor
Freeroll to players that have signed up after the 12th of August. Normally
you also have to type a code to get it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We hope you will enjoy the benefits of PokerNordica.com.
Have a nice day.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Support Agent
E-mail: support@pokernordica.com"
Just another shady chapter in an already shady industry that grows more shady by the day. I'll stick around for the CC freerolls, but I'm cashing out after that. On a brighter note, I played two 10-seat $5 sng's this afternoon and had no problem finishing third in one and second in the other. The level of play was horrendous. Easy pickings may be had, based on a few hours of observation. Haven't tried the ring games yet, but that's where I'm headed now.
Note that this information appears nowhere on their site as of 19:00 Eastern time here in the States. I have browsed their website, read the terms and conditions, read the FAQ's and the information regarding tournaments and freerolls. The First Depositors freeroll is still listed as an active event with no mention of its demise. I took this to be highly misinformative and intentionally misleading, and told the support team at PokerNordica as much when replying to the following response to my query as to why I couldn't get signed in:
"Hi Jim,
We are sorry to inform you that we no longer offer the $500 First Depositor
Freeroll to players that have signed up after the 12th of August. Normally
you also have to type a code to get it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We hope you will enjoy the benefits of PokerNordica.com.
Have a nice day.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Support Agent
E-mail: support@pokernordica.com"
Just another shady chapter in an already shady industry that grows more shady by the day. I'll stick around for the CC freerolls, but I'm cashing out after that. On a brighter note, I played two 10-seat $5 sng's this afternoon and had no problem finishing third in one and second in the other. The level of play was horrendous. Easy pickings may be had, based on a few hours of observation. Haven't tried the ring games yet, but that's where I'm headed now.