Rock Star
Silver Level
My friend Maxx Holland and I have been coming up with a list of "mantras" that we use to keep ourselves centered and on-track while at the table. We will often remind each other via text message of some of these even when we are playing in events across the country from each other. We will list them off -- even just using shortened versions of them. Often, we have replied, "yeah, I know... I know... but I really needed to hear that just now." The preferred result is, of course, that we remind ourselves of them and what they mean when we need them. Which is kind of the entire point of mantras, no?
I am going to list many of them in this thread in the hopes that other people will get some use out of them. Each will have a short description of what it means to us in case it isn't obvious. I will be doing one per comment to make it easier for people to reply to a specific one if they want to discuss that one further. The initial rollout will come over the next few days.
I am going to list many of them in this thread in the hopes that other people will get some use out of them. Each will have a short description of what it means to us in case it isn't obvious. I will be doing one per comment to make it easier for people to reply to a specific one if they want to discuss that one further. The initial rollout will come over the next few days.