Rock Star
Platinum Level
I've noticed that mostly I'm out of the tournament when It's just 14 people left, Very rarely I play final tables and I'm sure that always it happenes to me because when its close to the money or to the moment of wining tickets I start to play to scared.
It's like I'm better whould go all in or fold then play normal ( I think because of fear I want or double up or bust) or I will easily fold AK on the flop or straight/flush draw because I'm afraid of loosing chips. But I don't understand that I still far from final table and I need to continue wining chips or my stack will melt before and it melts always. I defend my blind less, my agression going down, I wait only for premium. And still I loose with premium)) So I'm afraid to have a premium too.))
I catch some kind of numbness that I just want to sit out and I'm sure in sit out I would get further then playing. But then I start playing and when I loose I got very sad that I started at all.
I mean in the beggining of the tournament I'm not like that at all, that's why I biuld up a good stack, often I'm even a chip leader but then something brake in my mind and I start to do stupid moves I can not forget them and make everething worther.
I don't know ho to get through this fear it definetly doesn't help me.
Did you have same? What you do to that? How do you play late stages of tournaments? Or what is your unbeatable edge and how you strugle with it?
It's like I'm better whould go all in or fold then play normal ( I think because of fear I want or double up or bust) or I will easily fold AK on the flop or straight/flush draw because I'm afraid of loosing chips. But I don't understand that I still far from final table and I need to continue wining chips or my stack will melt before and it melts always. I defend my blind less, my agression going down, I wait only for premium. And still I loose with premium)) So I'm afraid to have a premium too.))
I catch some kind of numbness that I just want to sit out and I'm sure in sit out I would get further then playing. But then I start playing and when I loose I got very sad that I started at all.
I mean in the beggining of the tournament I'm not like that at all, that's why I biuld up a good stack, often I'm even a chip leader but then something brake in my mind and I start to do stupid moves I can not forget them and make everething worther.
I don't know ho to get through this fear it definetly doesn't help me.
Did you have same? What you do to that? How do you play late stages of tournaments? Or what is your unbeatable edge and how you strugle with it?