Cardschat Hall of Famer - RIP Buck
Silver Level
Last night at the P Stars tourney i came across this situation and ive seen it many times before at our tourneys, this is what happened, also > allinking17, i dont know who he is< There are 6 players left, JL goes allin, allinking17 calls, it cost me $300 to call so i do, i have pocket 4`s, the cards on the table are a 2 6 j 10 k i think, but whatever that dont matter, i check the flop,allinking checks, i check the turn,allin checks, i check the river, allinking bets, so with all the over cards there i fold, the cards are turned up and JL wins the hand and Triples up with a pair of 2`s, At this point in a tourney you want to elimanite players, especially the bubble guy,BTW stars pays 5 places. Now by allinking betting, ( with nothing ) and getting me out we did not elimanite JL and he tripled up, my pocket 4`s would have knocked him out, so why did allinking bet, is it greed, you had nothing allinking,so why did you bet, theres more of a chance to knock someone out if its 2 hands against 1, at this point in a tourney its about eliminating someone, not about the money in the pot, that was a stupid move, and above all, JL is one of the Best and Most Dangerous players here, so the Moral of this is , think before you bet, if JL had any card on the table you were beat Allinking, its better to check it down and eliminate a player than to make a stupid move. I still dont know why you bet with nothing, in this type of situation the Only time you should bet is if you know you got the best hand for sure, JL is 1 of our best players and i know i dont want to ever triple him up, hes very tough, as you saw when you went H2H with him. buck:hello:
PS. anybody know who allinking17 is and how did he get the password
PS. anybody know who allinking17 is and how did he get the password