I have noticed recently in MTTs that when a player who is short stacked jams, and more than one player calls, then after the flop one player will place a large bet..my thought to this is why??? I believe that the goal in an MTT is to reduce the number of players..if so, then by raising a short stack all in you reduce the number of players that could knock out the short stack and most times when a player large bets in this situ the other live player will fold. so the large bet gained nothing other than providing some protection to the short stack. whereas having more than one player against the short stack increases the odds he will be eliminated. Also I have recently seen this scenario carried out in the League and the player who did the large raise after the flop was bluffing and lost...to what end does he raise? There was a time (old school) when it was normal in this situ to simply check it down unless one player has the absolute nuts then betting is ok. Just my opinion