Silver Level
This is a live hand from our recent trip to Reno. I was quite buzzed but I'll do my best with my memory. Pay attention because there will be a plot twist when I reveal the results (not related to the play itself).
20th hand of a $65 10-player, winner-take-all SNG. Starting chips are 2000 and the winner gets $500. General play has seen many limpers. The few hands shown down have been loose or even bad overall plays. A couple bad bluffs, an early all-in call with 44, etc, etc.
UTG - 2200 chips; a few limp & folds, I think won 1 hand.
UTG +2 - 1700; limp & folder, 1 small win with a bad loose call-down play
Cut-Off - 2700; tight/aggressive, no limps, 1 win with aggro betting & no showdown
We are the Button with 3400.
Blinds 50/100.
7 players left
BB posts 100
SB is dead (just eliminated, no post)
UTG raises to 300
1 fold
UTG +2 raises to 600
1 fold
CO raises to 2700 All-in
Our turn with TT (forgot suits). Only BB is behind us. Pot is 3700, so far.
What's our play? Fold, call 2700, or all-in 3400?
20th hand of a $65 10-player, winner-take-all SNG. Starting chips are 2000 and the winner gets $500. General play has seen many limpers. The few hands shown down have been loose or even bad overall plays. A couple bad bluffs, an early all-in call with 44, etc, etc.
UTG - 2200 chips; a few limp & folds, I think won 1 hand.
UTG +2 - 1700; limp & folder, 1 small win with a bad loose call-down play
Cut-Off - 2700; tight/aggressive, no limps, 1 win with aggro betting & no showdown
We are the Button with 3400.
Blinds 50/100.
7 players left
BB posts 100
SB is dead (just eliminated, no post)
UTG raises to 300
1 fold
UTG +2 raises to 600
1 fold
CO raises to 2700 All-in
Our turn with TT (forgot suits). Only BB is behind us. Pot is 3700, so far.
What's our play? Fold, call 2700, or all-in 3400?