Rising Star
Bronze Level
Another live poker story same night as my strght flush. I am up to about 450 off 100 buy in. I am catching all sorts of hands at this table even when i fold 45 or 83 i am missing sets and boats. So I decide to loosen up and call a raise with 84 of spades. the flop is 10-6-7 rainbow one spade. Everyone checks to the button. He bets 25 into a 25 pot. Now I've noticed this guy really only bets with good to better hands and was the original raiser. My best read says he has a pair higher than the board. After quite a bit of deliberation I decide to fold my double gut draw, considering the bet and the pot and pot odds. Of course like an idiot I rabit hunt to see my five hit the turn. What I want to know is with the situation if I have pot odds to make that call or if I made the right lay down whether or not i hit the draw.