Bronze Level
- Game
- Hold'em
- Game Format
- No Limit
- Table Format
- Buy-in
- Freeroll
- Currency
- $
On Replay Poker for the WVL PLO game:
-UTG :2494$
-HJ (Hero):2920$
-SB (Villain):3080$
UTG open-limps 30$, Hero raises to 135$ with Ah 7h As 6s, CO folds, BtN calls, Villain calls, BB calls, UTG calls.
Pot: 675$
Flop: 9d 4s 3c
Villain donk bets 675$, BB folds, UTG folds, Hero ??
-UTG :2494$
-HJ (Hero):2920$
-SB (Villain):3080$
UTG open-limps 30$, Hero raises to 135$ with Ah 7h As 6s, CO folds, BtN calls, Villain calls, BB calls, UTG calls.
Pot: 675$
Flop: 9d 4s 3c
Villain donk bets 675$, BB folds, UTG folds, Hero ??