Could I have got away from this???



Silver Level
May 28, 2006
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I would be interested to know what you guys thought of this.

NL Texas Hold'em Trny: 31195682 Level: 5 Blinds(150/300) - Friday, January 12, 17:41:28 ET 2007
Table $5K Gtd Rebuy (902955) Table #33 (real money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: LyckyHans ( $15060 )
Seat 2: IneedCARDS1 ( $33690 )
Seat 3: Konkrul ( $11450 )
Seat 4: damax7 ( $7870 )
Seat 5: nanu79 ( $22860 )
Seat 6: Ronaldadio ( $24960 )
Seat 8: spurslarsjep ( $13240 )
Seat 9: battery333 ( $29500 )
Seat 10: dpw99 ( $24780 )
Seat 7: Trog888 ( $8550 )
Trny: 31195682 Level: 5
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ronaldadio [ Ks Kc ]
IneedCARDS1 folds
Konkrul folds
damax7 folds
nanu79 calls [300]
Ronaldadio raises [1200]
Trog888 folds
spurslarsjep folds
battery333 calls [1200]
dpw99 folds
LyckyHans folds
nanu79 calls [900]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 5d, 5h ]
nanu79 checks
Ronaldadio bets [3000]
battery333 calls [3000]
nanu79 folds
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]
Ronaldadio bets [10200]
battery333 is all-In [25300]
Ronaldadio is all-In [10560]
** Dealing River ** [ 4c ]
Ronaldadio shows [ Ks, Kc ]two pairs, Kings and Fives.
battery333 shows [ Ah, 3h ]a straight Ace to Five.
battery333 wins 4540 chips from side pot #1 with a straight, Ace to Five.
battery333 wins 51570 chips from the main pot with a straight, Ace to Five.
Player Ronaldadio finished in 353.

I had not been at this table for long. The way the betting went I thought he was on a big overpair. I thought AA would have been a posibility, but I would have expected a reraise when I raised preflop.

So I put him on QQ, JJ, 1010. I could see the full house and the straight possibilities, but I could not believe that is what he had. I was very disapointed, but that is how it goes. Is this one of those hands u think u just got unlucky, or could I have done it differently???

If so, please tell me :)


Silver Level
Oct 10, 2006
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On a board that low, you are going to struggle to get away from it.

Preflop raise is decent enough that you shouldn't be worrying about the straight usually. Perhaps I'd have checked the flop and maybe escaped with some chips with less action on the turn, maybe not. Perhaps a bigger bet on the flop would have got rid of him, but you want him calling that far behind.

You have to put him on a pocket or decent ace prior to the reraise and his push might get you worried about 44 or A5s but it's hard to really say that.

AA is tough to pick up here and I don't think is necessarily ruled out by the preflop call but ultimately you are finding yourself up against QQ, JJ etc enough times to make your play ok, particularly in a $5 rebuy.

Tough hand against a guy who got lucky.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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I think you're over-thinking Ronaldadio - you played this fine, opponent played bad and got lucky, and i'm sure you know that. If you stop thinking you have to win every hand or tourney you'll have more fun and more success. You cant know what an opponent has, and you'll rarely get the nuts, so you just have to make informed guesses most of the time, and hope your luck holds.
Four Dogs

Four Dogs

Silver Level
Apr 13, 2005
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Obviously you're instincts were correct, but IMO you pushed this pair too far. I think putting him on a simple overpair, even AA-TT was a bit optimistic. I'm also a little critical of the pot sized bets. Certainly, you had to bet out, but if you had bet a little less on the flop, say 1/2 to 1/3 of the pot, your follow-up bet would have been alot cheaper and alot easier to get away from the river push when you must have known he had the best of it. IMO you got unlucky, and you could have played it differently. Now, as for Captain Suckout, he's just a terd. The next time this situation comes up against him I would push the crumby Kings-up. I don't know, maybe you already had a read on this turkey.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 25, 2005
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Obviously you're instincts were correct, but IMO you pushed this pair too far. I think putting him on a simple overpair, even AA-TT was a bit optimistic. I'm also a little critical of the pot sized bets. Certainly, you had to bet out, but if you had bet a little less on the flop, say 1/2 to 1/3 of the pot, your follow-up bet would have been alot cheaper and alot easier to get away from the river push when you must have known he had the best of it.
I dunno, you've got to think you're ahead pre-flop with KK. post flop you're behind a 5 or 44 but are either of these likely based on pre-flop action? Pot size bet does 2 things - makes flush chasers pay too much and builds up nice pot against under pair. i agree, when you're reraised on the turn you're too far in to fold, but A3 doesn't really make sense here either so it's a tricky fold regardless of pot size.
Four Dogs

Four Dogs

Silver Level
Apr 13, 2005
Total posts
it's a tricky fold regardless of pot size.
Oh I know that. I'm not even claiming that I would have layed it down. It's just the advice I would have given myself after reviewing my own HH. I think betting too much on any street is a huge and common leak. It makes any discussion of starting hands, or position laughable.