Silver Level
Playing a live game tonight, blinds are high 300-600 from a starting stack of 2.5K. 8 players left out of 10. Im on the button as the table chip leader with a stack of 11K. (It was a re-buy, if your wondering about stack sizes, re-buy period is over)
So here we go again
Seat 2- (passive, calling station stack 3.5K) CALL-600
Seat 2 -( Total donk lol stack 4K) CALL-600
Fold to the CO- (2nd chip leader, suprised at the call, stack 8K)- CALL 600
So i look down to see [Qh] [Qc]
The pot is standing at 2700, so i make it 2,000 to stay , id be quite happy to take the limpers here and now. (Should i have bet more)
Blinds fold,
Seat 2 CALLS, leaving him with 1.5K. So im heads up. Pot now stands at 5,500.
[Ad] [2h] [8c]
Now our calling station leads into me with an all-in move, for 1.5K more, im almost certain he has the ace. Call or fold ?
So here we go again
Seat 2- (passive, calling station stack 3.5K) CALL-600
Seat 2 -( Total donk lol stack 4K) CALL-600
Fold to the CO- (2nd chip leader, suprised at the call, stack 8K)- CALL 600
So i look down to see [Qh] [Qc]
The pot is standing at 2700, so i make it 2,000 to stay , id be quite happy to take the limpers here and now. (Should i have bet more)
Blinds fold,
Seat 2 CALLS, leaving him with 1.5K. So im heads up. Pot now stands at 5,500.
[Ad] [2h] [8c]
Now our calling station leads into me with an all-in move, for 1.5K more, im almost certain he has the ace. Call or fold ?