Silver Level
Playing a live tourney tonight, about 2 hours in..7 handed at my table
blinds 150/300
in the BB, look down and see 5h 6h.. folds to 4th position, he limps in, 5th folds, 6th (playing very erraticly because of a horrible beat a few hands previous, is on tilt) limps also.
i check it, and the flop comes 4c 5d 6d. i think about checking so 4th will bet, he has been bluffing a lot so far tonight and i figure i can trap him, but the very coordinated board scares me so i bet about the pot, a little less to try to string someone along with my made top 2 pair.
4th raises my 400 bet to 1200, and the tilted guy goes all in for his last 2300~ish, i immediately push myself all in, for about 4k more and the last guy calls
4th position flips over A9 diamonds, and the tilted guy flips 68o.
lost to the river'd flush, but did i make the right move?
blinds 150/300
in the BB, look down and see 5h 6h.. folds to 4th position, he limps in, 5th folds, 6th (playing very erraticly because of a horrible beat a few hands previous, is on tilt) limps also.
i check it, and the flop comes 4c 5d 6d. i think about checking so 4th will bet, he has been bluffing a lot so far tonight and i figure i can trap him, but the very coordinated board scares me so i bet about the pot, a little less to try to string someone along with my made top 2 pair.
4th raises my 400 bet to 1200, and the tilted guy goes all in for his last 2300~ish, i immediately push myself all in, for about 4k more and the last guy calls
4th position flips over A9 diamonds, and the tilted guy flips 68o.
lost to the river'd flush, but did i make the right move?