Jacki Burkhart
long winded rambler...
Silver Level
$530 NLHE MTT Deep Stacked: This LAG owned me! How should I have played him differently?
This is a live MTT tourney with about 365 starting players. I'm at a pretty tough table. As such, I've got a very tight image, the only hand I've showed down is TPTK to win a medium pot. I am in seat 4 and haven't gotten to play too many hands mostly due to having very good players to my left, and seat 1 to my right who I'll describe below:
Seat 1 younger asian LAG. after a while I picked up that he min raises with a wide range (40%) but he only 3x raises or 3 bets with a real top 5% hand. there were a few exceptions but he played A LOT of hands and generally played them pretty well. He would fold preflop a decent amount of the time to a 3 bet if he min raised, but if he 3x raised he was prepared to be all in preflop or on the flop. Bascially, for him a min raise was like a limp and so it became like a limp for our whole table because he played so many pots.
Hand #1
We've been playing a while and Mr. Min Raise seat 1 guy is raising 3 or 4 hands every orbit and I decide I've now got a pretty good line on his play, I've got position on him and I should use it! He usually folds to a 3 bet anyways... I've got most of a starting stack ~9,600 and he has about 12,000.
Blinds are 100/200
He raises to 225 again from UTG+1 and I reraise to 650 with Js8s
(yeah....light, I know. He's supposed to fold! and when he doesn'tfold at least I have position!!!).
Ok, so this time he flats and we are heads up to a flop with a pot of 1,450.
Flop comes Ts7c6d:
Mr. min raise bets out 800
OK, I've got a gutshot, an over and a backdoor flush draw. and most importantly I have a tight image and position and he has been raising 30-40% of hands. I raise to 2,100, representing the overpair.
He tanks for 60-90 seconds then reraises me to 4,800.
I tank, while knowing I'm going to fold the whole time. he pretty much has to put me on the overpair, and thinks he is good. Then I fold.
Meanwhile, back at the bat cave....
OK....quite a bit of time goes by and I'm just carefully watching my table. I win a small pot vs. Mr. Min Raise when he opens, one guy flats and I have KK and I reraise to 6x the BB. They both fold, zippity freaking doo dah!
Later, I take out a short stack with AQ in my BB vs A4. That helped.
Hand #2
Now we are in the next round (1 hour rounds) which is 100/200/25.
I'm up to about 13,500. Mr. Min raise has about 15,000.
OK, now seat 1 min raises again, Mr. Seat 2 who loves to call Mr. Seat 1 just flat calls and I look down at AK offsuit in mid position.
I raise it up to 2,000
Mr. Seat 1 tanks. looks like he might fold then flats (WTF?? He always folds his min raises to a 3 bet, except apparently against me!)
Seat 2 folds.
Flop comes 974 rainbow. Pot contains 4,700
He checks I check. (Why did I check? I don't know. he seemed strong to me. I have NO freaking clue what I put him on. I kind of put him on AQ, AJ or maybe KQ but mostly he is hard for me to put a range on since he plays so many hands).
Turn is a blank small card. He checks, I check. Why did I check? I don't know...I guess weak poor play is habit forming...
River is another blank card I cannot remember the exact board except it was 9 high and no flushes.....so basically like all medium cards have a strong hand now. Problem is, I don't put him on medium cards. I think I put him on 2 big cards just like me.
So, now that I've checked to him twice he bets out 3,500 into 4,700. Since I have no idea where I stand, and I have Ace High and I have a vague idea he might have a worse hand than me, I decide to just HE-HAW call that river bet and he turns over TT. :banghead: I can't believe there isn't a donkey emoticon! ??)
well....the bright side is I didn't have to show...on the other hand what hand could I possibly call with that doesn't beat TT and isn't a total embarassment?
I know I horribly misplayed this hand. It is really embarassing because I am a much better player than this.
anyways, how would YOU play it?
This is a live MTT tourney with about 365 starting players. I'm at a pretty tough table. As such, I've got a very tight image, the only hand I've showed down is TPTK to win a medium pot. I am in seat 4 and haven't gotten to play too many hands mostly due to having very good players to my left, and seat 1 to my right who I'll describe below:
Seat 1 younger asian LAG. after a while I picked up that he min raises with a wide range (40%) but he only 3x raises or 3 bets with a real top 5% hand. there were a few exceptions but he played A LOT of hands and generally played them pretty well. He would fold preflop a decent amount of the time to a 3 bet if he min raised, but if he 3x raised he was prepared to be all in preflop or on the flop. Bascially, for him a min raise was like a limp and so it became like a limp for our whole table because he played so many pots.
Hand #1
We've been playing a while and Mr. Min Raise seat 1 guy is raising 3 or 4 hands every orbit and I decide I've now got a pretty good line on his play, I've got position on him and I should use it! He usually folds to a 3 bet anyways... I've got most of a starting stack ~9,600 and he has about 12,000.
Blinds are 100/200
He raises to 225 again from UTG+1 and I reraise to 650 with Js8s
Ok, so this time he flats and we are heads up to a flop with a pot of 1,450.
Flop comes Ts7c6d:
Mr. min raise bets out 800
OK, I've got a gutshot, an over and a backdoor flush draw. and most importantly I have a tight image and position and he has been raising 30-40% of hands. I raise to 2,100, representing the overpair.
He tanks for 60-90 seconds then reraises me to 4,800.
I tank, while knowing I'm going to fold the whole time. he pretty much has to put me on the overpair, and thinks he is good. Then I fold.
Meanwhile, back at the bat cave....
OK....quite a bit of time goes by and I'm just carefully watching my table. I win a small pot vs. Mr. Min Raise when he opens, one guy flats and I have KK and I reraise to 6x the BB. They both fold, zippity freaking doo dah!
Later, I take out a short stack with AQ in my BB vs A4. That helped.
Hand #2
Now we are in the next round (1 hour rounds) which is 100/200/25.
I'm up to about 13,500. Mr. Min raise has about 15,000.
OK, now seat 1 min raises again, Mr. Seat 2 who loves to call Mr. Seat 1 just flat calls and I look down at AK offsuit in mid position.
I raise it up to 2,000
Mr. Seat 1 tanks. looks like he might fold then flats (WTF?? He always folds his min raises to a 3 bet, except apparently against me!)
Seat 2 folds.
Flop comes 974 rainbow. Pot contains 4,700
He checks I check. (Why did I check? I don't know. he seemed strong to me. I have NO freaking clue what I put him on. I kind of put him on AQ, AJ or maybe KQ but mostly he is hard for me to put a range on since he plays so many hands).
Turn is a blank small card. He checks, I check. Why did I check? I don't know...I guess weak poor play is habit forming...
River is another blank card I cannot remember the exact board except it was 9 high and no flushes.....so basically like all medium cards have a strong hand now. Problem is, I don't put him on medium cards. I think I put him on 2 big cards just like me.
So, now that I've checked to him twice he bets out 3,500 into 4,700. Since I have no idea where I stand, and I have Ace High and I have a vague idea he might have a worse hand than me, I decide to just HE-HAW call that river bet and he turns over TT. :banghead: I can't believe there isn't a donkey emoticon! ??)
well....the bright side is I didn't have to show...on the other hand what hand could I possibly call with that doesn't beat TT and isn't a total embarassment?
I know I horribly misplayed this hand. It is really embarassing because I am a much better player than this.
anyways, how would YOU play it?
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