€0.50 NLHE STT: Villain shoves 30bb on the flop. Call or fold with top pair?



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 19, 2020
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pokerstars - 25/50 NL - Holdem - 7 players

CO: 28 BB
BTN: 33.7 BB
SB: 49.3 BB
BB: 38.8 BB
UTG: 39.2 BB
UTG+1: 29.5 BB
Hero (MP): 51.5 BB

Pre Flop:
Hero has Kh Qs
UTG calls 1 BB
UTG+1 calls 1 BB
Hero raises to 6 BB
Everyone folds
UTG calls 5 BB
UTG+1 fold

Flop : (14.5 BB, 2 players)
8d Qd 4s
UTG checks
Hero bets 5 BB
UTG raises to 33.2 BB and is all-in,

Hero ?

I don't have a lot of information about villain but if i had to guess i would say he was a fish.
He was opening mostly limping (I think he open raised 1 time in this sng) and when betting was doing a lot of 1bb bets, maybe saw once or twice like a pot bet on the flop and maybe a 50% pot bet. And this always gives me the feelling that the guy is just clicking buttons.

My thought process was 22+, Ax+ or a flush draw at best and he wants to fast play.
I don´t see KK or QQ because I´m holding 1 of each (but i can be wrong!).
And other than that i think the play is showing strengh when in reality he's very, very weak.
So, what do you guys/girls think?

Forgive any mistake but english is not my native language and also this is the first time i share this type of information on a public forum.


Jun 3, 2019
Total posts
I like your big 6BB isolation against two fishy limpers. You are way ahead of their range, and you dont want to go small and invite a lot of multiway action.

The stack to pot ratio was just a little over two, and then top pair good kicker is a pretty automatic stack-off on clean boards. I would also want to make this a 2-street hand to reduce the risk of a bad card like an A or a diamond rolling off. And for that reason i would make the C-bet larger to set it up for an easier turn jam. He is a fish, so you dont need to give him 4:1 to get action. If you make it 10BB, pot is going to be 34,5, and he will have 23,2 left, which is a very easy turn jam on any clean card.

Since you were already planning to get it in on the turn, its a nobrainer to call, when he puts it in for you. Yes from time to time he will have AQ, Q8 or Q4, and he put a cooler of you. But you are still doing fine against his check-jamming range. There will be draws, bottom pair jamming "for protection", QJ or QT jamming "for value", and so on and so forth.
Collin Moshman

Collin Moshman

Poker Expert
Silver Level
Nov 11, 2009
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Definitely have to call here. The only hands that likely beat us are AQ, Q8s, and a set. Those hands are all blocked by our hand and the flop, not to mention he'd likely have raised some of them (in particular, QQ and AQs) pre-flop.

The other big factor is that we're getting almost 2:1 odds. So if we're good half the time, it's a very profitable call. And I think we'll have the best hand in this spot at least 2/3 of the time.


Bronze Level
Jul 2, 2013
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Hello, I agree in the large part with guys. I'm not sure that we should play isolate KQo from the MP position, because behind us are some players, who sometimes can have premium hand, then they can raise you and we better fold kqo to any raise pre flop. As played - I also think that bet on the flop should be a little bigger, because opponent can have read small bet as a weakness and he can play like this. Besides it is micro sng and there are a lot of beginner players. Bigger bet on the flop seems better for me than small bet. I think that in this sng we sometimes can risk and call his allin. GL :)


Jun 3, 2019
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Just want to add, that if we are playing games like 6-man or 9-man SnGs, then these are grinders games, and we should be playing a lot of them. So even if we happen to run into the top of his range and lose most of our chips, then its not the end of the world. If he put in 15% of his stack preflop with Q4 or 44 out of position, then he needs to get full payment, when he smash the flop, and even then he is making a long term losing play. So we just say "nice hand" in the chat, look for spots to jam our remaining 12 BB, and prepare to register for the next SnG.


Mar 5, 2019
Total posts
PokerStars - 25/50 NL - Holdem - 7 players

CO: 28 BB
BTN: 33.7 BB
SB: 49.3 BB
BB: 38.8 BB
UTG: 39.2 BB
UTG+1: 29.5 BB
Hero (MP): 51.5 BB

Pre Flop:
Hero has Kh Qs
UTG calls 1 BB
UTG+1 calls 1 BB
Hero raises to 6 BB
Everyone folds
UTG calls 5 BB
UTG+1 fold

Flop : (14.5 BB, 2 players)
8d Qd 4s
UTG checks
Hero bets 5 BB
UTG raises to 33.2 BB and is all-in,

Hero ?

I don't have a lot of information about villain but if i had to guess i would say he was a fish.
He was opening mostly limping (I think he open raised 1 time in this sng) and when betting was doing a lot of 1bb bets, maybe saw once or twice like a pot bet on the flop and maybe a 50% pot bet. And this always gives me the feelling that the guy is just clicking buttons.

My thought process was 22+, Ax+ or a flush draw at best and he wants to fast play.
I don´t see KK or QQ because I´m holding 1 of each (but i can be wrong!).
And other than that i think the play is showing strengh when in reality he's very, very weak.
So, what do you guys/girls think?

Forgive any mistake but english is not my native language and also this is the first time i share this type of information on a public forum.

Thank you for posting.

Great job making your first post. You included important information and also shared your player read.

All of the betting data you shared suggests a passive player who only bets big with the nuts. With an assumption of passive play when we big bet pre flop- bet flop and get an aggressive jam we know we would make this bet with AA KK AQ and are villain should fear these hands if they are passive.

If the Q was not a diamond we could credit a passive Villain with having pair plus flush draw and playing that with a jam.

So the question is is this player passive or not?
Is there some reason we should think they think we will fold when we have shown strength?
Are they getting all in with JTd Axd etc
Do they expect us to call that is why they are shoving sets?

Hope this helps
Folding in Poker