Very ancient Asian martial art, originated in the Khmer Empire about 1700 years ago. The term “locator” means “beating of a lion”. This is one legend according to which, the student who fully mastered this art, once found himself face to face with a wild lion and was able to defeat him with just one incredibly powerful and concentrated blow. The bocator style was almost lost in the 1970s, when Pol Pot staged a bloody genocide of ethnic minorities. All masters of any martial arts then were destroyed purposefully. In our days there are no more than a dozen great experts on bocator, whose efforts it is revived again.
Technically, bocator is very similar to Thai Boxing. So much so that some even claim that Muay Thai itself was based on bocator. Vrochem, this is not surprising, since all of Thailand, as well as most of Southeast Asia at the time were part of the Khmer Empire. Like many other martial arts, bocator is based on the imitation of various animals. However, what really sets it apart from the rest is its cruelty and great diversity. More than ten thousand various receptions and blows, do bokator one of the most difficult martial arts in the world.