Several years ago I took up running. In order to make my training more intense and interesting I added dynamic exercises such as pushups and ab exercises.
This style of training lasted about a year since I quited running completely because I started getting bored of it. So, I decided to focus only on dynamic exercises to build muscle and strenght.
Then I was introduced into Calisthenics (Street Workout) by some friends and really fell in love with it.
Calisthenics are a form of exercise that consists of a variety of gross motor movements sush as push ups, pull ups, handstands etc., often rhythmical, generally without using equipment or apparatus, thus in all essence body-weight training. Purpose of this training style is the ultimate control of one's body, in terms of balance and body strength.
The word calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek words kalós (καλός), which means "beauty", and sthénos (σθένος), meaning "strength"
I was even more excited to know that this training system appeared for the first time, as an efficient way of training, in Ancient Greece, the country where I'm from.