It would be cool if football was added ,I mean USA would dominate but a few other countries would be in the mix on a second tier level under what they do to add another major sport to the olympics like hoops and hockey ,baseball have
Though I am a fan of the NFL etc. the issue American Football faces is it does not span the globe.
A major thrust for those games which might be included in the Olympics is they have a global interest/participation to a considerable degree already. The US would have weak to comically no opposition. It would be no different than trying to promote Aussie Rules football into the games.
The other thing to bear in mind when noting a sport such as Ice Hockey, is they are winter sports/games. The span of games is much smaller because much of the world has little participation as the climates are generally more temperate.
As for games brought into the Olympics or those excluded, they will always be somewhat peripheral and to some degree the decisions political. Some sports last for years and then are removed and others are virtually one and done.
My only criteria would be a strong physical I tend to disagree with the idea e-sports, poker or the likes of drone flying ever being considered seriously.