If you've been impacted personally, then I'm sorry for that, it certainly brings me no pleasure to hear such things.
But I simply see this as an attempted takeover or subversion of humanity's freedom and our ability to control our own destiny as we each see fit to do so.
If people want to wear masks, then fine - but don't tell me I have to do so, just so you feel "safe" and/or "comfortable". And likewise, if you feel comfortable accepting some mystery injection just because you believe it will protect you, then fine, be my guest... but don't tell me I have to do likewise just so you can feel "safe" and/or "comfortable" to be around me.
I know my opinions and my words are controversial and may cause some upset, again that is not my intent nor my hope, but I understand the reality we are dealing with in these times, people have been scared out of their wits by the mainstream media's relentless assault, and I certainly don't blame people if they choose to believe all that stuff. But I don't believe them, and I don't believe our mis-leaders have our best interest at heart. Plain and simple as that. We agree to disagree, and thus, there is always going to be conflict in these matters. I'm far from being alone in my viewpoints, as I'm sure people must know. Yes we may be in the minority about choosing freedom and liberty over fear... but what else are we supposed to do, willingly become slaves to a system we disagree vehemently with?
Hope that helps, it probably won't, but please understand it is nothing personal against anyone who makes a difference choice or decision. Our problem is, there is no "middle ground" in this hot-button issue we are facing as a species... and I truly believe that is by design... "divide and conquer", essentially.
I wish I could just get back to watching hockey, which was always my love, but this has ruined it for me. I will miss it, but nobody ever said having principles would be easy or comfortable. Thanks for taking the time to respond, and thanks for your calm and reasoned reply. I wish I could just tell you "I agree", but I just cannot, and yes it does make me sad that it has come to this point. It is tragic, no matter what any of us believe about what is happening and why. There are no winners in the end, we're all going to end up the losers.