I would love a team in Toronto but there are too many factors against it to happen anytime soon:
- Suitable stadium. The dome is terrible to watch football in, BMO is no where big enough and the cost to build would be enormous unless it was used by the Argos, TFC, and possibly even U of Toronto
- CFL - As much as the CFL is considered second tier to the NFL in almost every aspect, one aspect that overrides it is the fact that it is an established league that would require significant concessions on the TV and advertising side to work with a NFL franchise.
- Market - Toronto is a Leafs town first, everything else second. Something the NFL is not used to. And while the NFL does not directly compete against the Leafs, the fact that the NFL season lies almost entirely within the Leafs doesn't make it a slam dunk at first.
- Tailgating - One thing that makes NFL games infamous is the tail gating. Drinking and partying in the parking lots before a game bleeds football. Lots of things you are not allowed to do here sadly. So until those laws change I can't see how fans will create the atmosphere in a NFL stadium to make this work
- Canada - Let's face it, the Raptors do not get the same respect in the US as most teams, so why would the NFL be any different, especially when 1/32 of the TV deal to the US broadcasters would register a 0 on the ratings scale?
I hope it happens but I doubt it will. Europe on the other hand could...