This is gibberish! Not a coherent, understandable point made. Just a bunch of run-on and incomplete sentences. Before you can make a point, you have to learn grade school grammar. It really hurts your argument when no one can understand it.
I would debate your opinion because I can tell I disagree and I love to debate. However I am not sure what your opinion is exactly. Something about white on white and Kap being a racist. What does whites killing whites have to do with anything. Yes I agree a lot of blacks are racist, however you have to be smart enough to take a step back and try to see the whole picture of why this is. How if you were in a position such as this, how you would feel about a race that has treated you as inferior and barely human, if human at all.
There are a lot of white racist as well, with really no reasoning behind it. Other than they just need someone to look down on. I know how the world works, I just happen to have this thing that you probably never heard of. Empathy for my fellow man.
I am Jewish, Roma or Gypsy, German, and Irish. A white mutt, however I have to admit most great atrocities have been committed or instigated by whites. Especially in the last several centuries. Even the mass genocides of Africa can be attributed to western civilizations. If you saw your self as human and not a subgroup, you could see other ethnic groups point of view. This would allow compassion and humanity to thrive. However I am thinking you are not interested in compassion or humanity.
My point of view generally about this thing:
I am eastern european - my english is crap, pardon me, i dont care anymore, when i used to live in english speaker countries they even blocked to study the f*cking language, as no matter what i am, white or black, they needed only last obeying slaves (probably whites, as black wont do it with that effort, result, efficiency) -, and f*cking annoying to listen this crap in my country, when we never ever had any business with that - it is the few westernian white countries sh*t, not ours -, in the hole 20th century whites made the mass-murders here - for some others order -, and after all, because i dont care what divide and conquer crap the psycho west found out again, they call me racist, even stupid westernian white brainwashed idiots - meantime their relatives did the racial crimes vs. blacks back in time, not mine -, and threat me like 2nd or last class citizen in my f*cking land, because of nonsense crap what well-being, out of mind idiots found out and spread - of course all for huge money, not for free!!!!!!!!!!
And when a millionaire ball gamer finds out something like this, is pretty clear, will result only destruction in every average persons lives, black, white etc. The millionaire lives in a separated life from the average droids, never will face the conseqeunces, mess he created.
He is a hypocrath, and still stand for it, he is racist, too - even if officially he cant be, as he is not white -, otherwise he wouldnt do it, he sees only his ethnic group's point of view in a given country, and because of the american past, it must be spread everywhere, pushing it 24/7 to everybody. meantime, i saw destruction, fights, in reports even murders because of idiots like this, oversize the skin color problem and create hatery down in the plebs level, and never will change anything to a positive direction, just make it worse.... only more divide and conquer.... he is everything except a hero.....
Don't want to be offensive, but you should read about a bit how the jews organized the communism in russia (ussr) and china, and how many white and yellow lives that cost.....(also black and brown) only in Ukraine 10 million+, altogether 100+ million..... and you have to 'admit' - ie blame, instead of taking responsibility - most of them commited by the white caucasian race.... total nonsense... even if we go back centuries, as the population was much lower everywhere, even if the westernian few white countries could kill all the colonized countries' population, is far less compare only what happened vs. whites in the 20th century... jews are good with numbers, search and count it, i did. Also can recommend to search for the post ww2 american concentration camps - where black american soldiers were involved too - killed a million german prisoners.... just for fun, after the war's ended.... the south african white executions without any reason by blacks.... etc., etc.
The main point, don't spread your mess to the hole world, - like most of the time -, and don't force, blame because of your crap to those who never had any business, part in the creation of that, just because happened to be, they are whites, too...... Keep it in your modern gulag, and solve it there, if you really think this hole thing wasnt created and financed by psychopath billionaires, money owners by destructive purposes...
Humanity, bunch of animal level droids, lead, controlled by the worst kind of psychopaths, you are right, i dont care, they were always killing each other based on mostly nonsense reasons, like religion, skin color, a flag, an ideology, resources etc., etc. The owners created always some reason, excuse.
I don't care any ethnic groups, they didnt care mine, the gipsies in my country steal, nowadays even legally, make women prostitutes, sell them to the world, destroy the local ones and hide behind the racist card, as the psycho west gave it to their hand. Jews, too + they make everybody poorer and ethnic group, means white, not much different, they are killing each other because of the radical brainwash they receive 24/7 and because of the new religion left-right crap, so the white population is reducing, and getting poorer and poorer by the artifically manipulated, controlled destructive programs, mostly by money&gov&corps&tech new wave mass murderer weapons, meantime everybody else do whatever want, live life however want, earn as much as want, steal as much as want.... and comes here whoever wants, also do whatever wants... that's what i see.... and i should care, and slave for any of these.... jew, gipsy, white, arabic or even any other western (european) out of mind sick one...
Good example vs my racism, i like the migrants, they showed me, how to piss off these psychos and their radical, maniac hordes. Even in Germany, when i slaved there for nothing, they were simply laughing at me - like asking with their eyes, why the f*ck are you so stupid to do anything for these? -, the freako brainwashed, neo-commie, fascist 'germans' were spitting after me, bully, abuse, blackmail... because i am eastern european, white and do the sh*t what not even african illegal migrants did for the f*ckers.....
Pardon me....... I am a f*cking stupid, that i didnt see what they do for long years, how they are organizedly killing us by the plan, but not for a lifetime.....
GL with solving the racial things, and make humanity better etc.! I am sure, it soon will be million times better, like always!!!
And anyway, feel sorry for you, you got the worst mixture in your blood based on my own experience with the mentioned ethnic groups, nationalities - even i have some german blood too -.... again no offence, as i dont want to do anything around these psychos anymore, but also would be great not to listen the made up radical, maniac crap what doesnt apply for me (us) at all, all the time from everywhere, because the US just got, found out the newest wave nonsense mess making, destructive, murderer, divide&conquer 'game'!!!!!!!!!!!