Golden State vs Chicago (NBA)



Bronze Level
Apr 22, 2016
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I realize that this web site hardly ever pays attention to sports, but since I am a member here and a long time fan of the Bulls and an admirer of the Warriors, I feel I am equipped to offer a few insights about the current debate over which team is the greatest of all time.

Okay, first of all, I will say this about the current Warrior team and season, they have been phenomenal and Curry has been unreal. The 3 point shot he has showcased and his ball handling skills have been off the chart. He has single handedly made basketball fun to watch again, for me. Something that I have not done since a certain someone named MJ made himself known as THE GOAT.

No other player since MJ has captivated me the way Curry has. Not Lebron or Kobe or Shaq.

I think the Warriors have put together a very formidable team that can compete for rings for at least the next 3 years as is, but we know that they are an injury away from becoming slightly above average.

The debate has been who is the greatest team of all time and against the Bulls the only thing the Warriors can claim at this point is that 73 wins is better than 72, they can not claim to be any where in the same galaxy as the Bulls for the greatest of all time, maybe the best season by a team, but not the Greatest.

Curry can be anointed as having the best individual statistical season, but being someone that has followed the NBA for decades now, until he has strung together 10 years of the same statistics and his teams have dominated and won multiple championships and he has 5 MVP awards, don't insult my intelligence by claiming he is the GOAT or that Golden State is the Greatest team of all time, he isn't and they are not. So far, it has been 2 years of great team play and there are at least 4 other teams that are ahead of them in the greatest of all time scenario, with Chicago being the most iconic choice due to MJ, Boston, LA and SA, have all put together many great years and SA has been the most consistent for 20 years.

Sure, I will root for Golden State because they are fun to watch and they are the flavor of the month for now, they have captivated the world really, just let's see them do it for a good long time first before we put them in the same breath as the other 4 teams.