I seen something interesting on the internet a rare plant which increases muscle growth by 700 percent maybe you should try this safer than steroids
Are considerably making me wanna bang some so I could get to over 200 lbs and go to wrestlig school, thoughts? Lol
Best to avoid putting on weight. One problem is that when you quit using steroids, after using them for a long time, you are liable to have terrible health problems.
Many steroids are available in pill form.Lol I could not bang a needle, but itd be nice if it all worked ot, ill take the sid3 eff3 ts to be rich haha
I had to take steroids once.
I had a very bad chest infection which my own doctor had misdiagnosed as asthma and only gave me an inhaler and sent me on my way! I got worse and couldn't eat a thing because everything I did just came back up.
I had lost a lot of weight and was just over 6 stone, if my sister had not dragged me to her doctor, I would be dead now! Her doctor gave me anti-biotics for the infection and later on steroids to start getting me to eat.
So they were good for me![]()
I had friends I hung out with who went into professional wrestling when I was younger. They actually attended some school for wrestling & were pictured on front of Macleans magazine. (the Lacocoa brothers (sp?)). They had red mohawks and both weighed over 300lbs. each & both were able to benchpress over 500lbs. You'd have to ask them if they were taking steroids.Imd 6 foot 3, but I have never been over 170lbs, I been a huge wreztling fan forever and with no money or job, and a settlement from being struck by a car as a pecestrian coming in this year or next, drugs and wreztling school? Lol any more opinions?
I had friends I hung out with who went into professional wrestling when I was younger. They actually attended some school for wrestling & were pictured on front of Macleans magazine. (the Lacocoa brothers (sp?)). They had red mohawks and both weighed over 300lbs. each & both were able to benchpress over 500lbs. You'd have to ask them if they were taking steroids.
Their lives revolved around it - - spending many, many years in an effort to become famous tag-team professional wrestlers. They never did get famous. Don't think they even made a living from it for any period of time.
moral of story: @ 6'3" 170lbs. > "Stop The Insanity!"
But dude, a 315 bench does not make a pro wrestlerI am 205 and steroid free. Bench max at 315.5. ut.
Tren? You mean Finaject &/or Parabolon. meh... neither are 'mass' building steroids. They were first popular with bodybuilders & strength atheltes due to their androgenic nature w/o all the water retention. They produced massive strength gains & ultra-ripped physiques.... but I wouldn't say 'mass' much at all.if you want to gain some serious mass quick I suggest you find some Tren, or even better TnT TREN/Testosterone, take 1 cc shot Wednesday and take 1 cc shot Saturday before a workout, you will need 2 viles and you should always run it with something, find out what to run it with that you are best suited for. That will make you gain mass.