Most casinos I play now it is 99X for a no deposit and 40X for a bonus with a deposit. Plus table games count as less like 20 Cents on a $1 Bet.
The last bonus I took from Pokerstars Casino worked up to 75X the bonus when you take into account their system and they joined my deposit and bonus into 1. Got off to a great start almost tripled up sadly lost all in tilt fashion.
888 Casino have some very reasonable playthrough sometimes I have done some small bonuses at 6X and 10X playthrough already on there.
I remember how I start playing slots . Full Tilt one day ,( for no reason I think-it was completely free , Full Tilt had many free offers -tickets for cash games , tournament games , Deal coins , and yet
no many players were playing last months , that's why it 'bankrupted/closed/emerged with sister poker room PS ) , gave me a 10$ cassino ticket . If you failed , ticket would dissappear , no other penalty/effect , if you succedeed , money was yours (the money that was left in the ticket when the points were acquiredf)
It was the best gift one had given to me , I just had to play it and earn some FTPs or however they were called these points , and money was money . Very easy , the wager was extremely easy cause they didn't demand much points , I even clicked by mistake bet without fixing limits and lines (or was it that I pressed max bet??) , 5$ in one shot , I 'lost' half ticket , and yet again I was able to win 3.5-4$ of the 10$ at the end .And I was just clicking bet , bet . bet , I wasn't changing bet amount (more money per bet) , no strategy
I wish they had given more tickets like this , or maybe in the future I find sth similar (most improbable. All these offers I have seen , they demand a lot of wagering , crazy demands for my capabilities , plus I think they affect your own money that you have deposited for other reasons , aka poker (I have the fear all these no deposit promos , and some deposit offers in some casinos , are trick , or it is my own idea
) )
One day I hope I find one ticket like that from Full Tilt (I have played casino on Stars , lost some 100 $ last months , and what I get , nothing , some 1-2 chests which don't contain a casino gift lets say , some spins maybe ?? ) parsimonious rooms , so 100$ is not rake/money earned by them , whio earned it then ?they calculate the smallest amount of it for rakeback , but in poker it would at least 10$ rake , in casino it's