Silver Level
Okay, obviously there's a story behind this question...
Been playing the two round heads up matches at pokerstars lately ($5+.50, winner take all), as i am a good enough heads up player to profit off them. Played a couple tonight, and the last one, i'm playing this guy in the final round who i had classified as a weak heads up player. I played a guy who was really awful in the first round, and i beat him in just a few hands, so i was able to watch most of the other first round match. Both of them were weak, really, but the guy who ended up winning was constantly complaining about how he wasn't getting hands and how the other guy was getting lucky. i didn't think he'd even get out of the first round, but he did, and we started our match. first off he started giving me crap about raising in the small blind (which i don't even do as ofter as some people), then he started complaining about how i would bet consistantly, making the same raises pre flop, and consistant bets post flop. i just ignore him, by this time completly convinced he's a donk. eventually i get a hand where i flop four to the flush, he makes a tiny bet and i call, don't make my flush on the turn, he makes the same tiny bet, which i call. i make my flush on the river, finally makes a decent bet, again i call, as it wasn't the highest flush. he's got nothing, and he starts giving me crap because he misread the hand, thinking i was chasing an inside straight draw, and back doored runner runner into the flush. i felt like saying that if he had bet more, he might have gotten me out, but instead i told him to check the hand history, which i don't think he even knew how to do, so now he's really mad, complaining about how he never wins with suited cards, and how he never gets any good hands. I'm thinking, 'this is over'. i felt like saying to him, 'dude, it ain't about the cards', but even if he would have listened to me (which i doubt he would have) why give him any advice while he could still use it? so instead i say something like, 'you won that first match because you were a good player, not because you got good cards,' which was BS, but he was also critizing me for not responding to him so i figured i should say something, to which he actually replies, 'no, i just got good cards, i was lucky.' So this continues for the rest of the match, him complaining and me trying my best to ignore him, but i was unable to turn off my chat for the same reason i'm unable to look away from a car accident when i see one on the highway, morbid curiosity. finally i catch A-K of diamonds, i raise, he raises back, so tired of this match, and having a nice chip lead, i push all in and he instantly calls with like K-10 or Q-10 off. fortunatly my hand holds up. he starts saying that it was BS, when he finally get's a good hand i've got a better one, and i tell him, 'heads up ain't about the cards friend.' and he just lights off on me, telling me i'm a f***er, and how i'm 'gay' because i was getting such good cards, even though he hadn't seen more then 4 or 5 of my hands the whole match, and usually i had rags, so i said, 'what about the 20 or 30 hands i bluffed you out of?' Now he's calling me a son of a b****, and trying to explain to me that raising on the button is a cheap play, and how he never bluffs, and only plays rags when he's in the BB. Thankfully the game closes at this point and i'm left thinking, "wow, i haven't played someone this awful in a long time. thank god for small favors." i may not be a 'great' heads up player, but i sure as hell have learned how to spot a donkey.
okay, reflecting on this post i realize that there's probably no point to it. if you haven't figured this out about me already, i just like to write, and i needed to vent a little. i'm tempted to write more on heads up play... but whatever, good night!
Been playing the two round heads up matches at pokerstars lately ($5+.50, winner take all), as i am a good enough heads up player to profit off them. Played a couple tonight, and the last one, i'm playing this guy in the final round who i had classified as a weak heads up player. I played a guy who was really awful in the first round, and i beat him in just a few hands, so i was able to watch most of the other first round match. Both of them were weak, really, but the guy who ended up winning was constantly complaining about how he wasn't getting hands and how the other guy was getting lucky. i didn't think he'd even get out of the first round, but he did, and we started our match. first off he started giving me crap about raising in the small blind (which i don't even do as ofter as some people), then he started complaining about how i would bet consistantly, making the same raises pre flop, and consistant bets post flop. i just ignore him, by this time completly convinced he's a donk. eventually i get a hand where i flop four to the flush, he makes a tiny bet and i call, don't make my flush on the turn, he makes the same tiny bet, which i call. i make my flush on the river, finally makes a decent bet, again i call, as it wasn't the highest flush. he's got nothing, and he starts giving me crap because he misread the hand, thinking i was chasing an inside straight draw, and back doored runner runner into the flush. i felt like saying that if he had bet more, he might have gotten me out, but instead i told him to check the hand history, which i don't think he even knew how to do, so now he's really mad, complaining about how he never wins with suited cards, and how he never gets any good hands. I'm thinking, 'this is over'. i felt like saying to him, 'dude, it ain't about the cards', but even if he would have listened to me (which i doubt he would have) why give him any advice while he could still use it? so instead i say something like, 'you won that first match because you were a good player, not because you got good cards,' which was BS, but he was also critizing me for not responding to him so i figured i should say something, to which he actually replies, 'no, i just got good cards, i was lucky.' So this continues for the rest of the match, him complaining and me trying my best to ignore him, but i was unable to turn off my chat for the same reason i'm unable to look away from a car accident when i see one on the highway, morbid curiosity. finally i catch A-K of diamonds, i raise, he raises back, so tired of this match, and having a nice chip lead, i push all in and he instantly calls with like K-10 or Q-10 off. fortunatly my hand holds up. he starts saying that it was BS, when he finally get's a good hand i've got a better one, and i tell him, 'heads up ain't about the cards friend.' and he just lights off on me, telling me i'm a f***er, and how i'm 'gay' because i was getting such good cards, even though he hadn't seen more then 4 or 5 of my hands the whole match, and usually i had rags, so i said, 'what about the 20 or 30 hands i bluffed you out of?' Now he's calling me a son of a b****, and trying to explain to me that raising on the button is a cheap play, and how he never bluffs, and only plays rags when he's in the BB. Thankfully the game closes at this point and i'm left thinking, "wow, i haven't played someone this awful in a long time. thank god for small favors." i may not be a 'great' heads up player, but i sure as hell have learned how to spot a donkey.
okay, reflecting on this post i realize that there's probably no point to it. if you haven't figured this out about me already, i just like to write, and i needed to vent a little. i'm tempted to write more on heads up play... but whatever, good night!
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