Which Winning Poker Network skin are you playing on?
If ACR Poker: The countries that are currently banned on ACR Poker are Australia, Belgium, Estonia, France, French Guyana, Germany, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, Mayotte, North Korea, Reunion, South Korea, Spain, Netherlands and Netherlands Territories, Sweden and Turkey.
If Black Chip Poker: The countries that are currently banned on Black Chip Poker are Australia, Belgium, Estonia, France, French Guyana, Germany, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, Mayotte, North Korea, Reunion, South Korea, Spain, Netherlands and Netherlands Territories, Sweden and Turkey.
If Ya Poker: The countries that are currently banned on Ya Poker are Australia, Belgium, Estonia, France, French Guyana, Germany, Guadeloupe, Italy, Martinique, Mayotte, North Korea, Reunion, South Korea, Spain, Netherlands and Netherlands Territories, Turkey, Israel, Sweden and United States.
If True Poker: The countries that are currently banned on True Poker are Australia, Belgium, Estonia, France, French Guyana, Germany, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, Mayotte, North Korea, Reunion, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands and Netherlands Territories, Turkey and Venezuela.
If Poker King: The countries that are currently banned on Poker King are Australia, Afghanistan, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Dutch West Indies, Estonia, France and French Territories, Germany, Guam, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherlands and Netherlands Territories, Portugal, Spain and Spanish Territories, Sweden, Israel, South Korea, North Korea and United States.