Silver Level
Have You also had issues with getting locked out of calling button when in middle of hand during the Spin & Go or any other poker game?
Recently Ive found this same problem but only since receiving deposit bonus tickets...
three games I become chip favorite then get what seems like denial of service/access i tried every thing though only thing that seems to work is phone restart.
twice I've not been able to find game on return and once managed to get back but with only two bb in chip to play with.. even once on a cash game i wrote tilt in chat box and was blocked from checking button but every thing else continued fine...
I'm always questioning why did that happen at that particular time or do the poker staff have access to kill switch and certain other privileges, back door to the software glitch maybe.
so far it has only cost me $4 but on first occasion i was so "Grrrrr" i contacted support raised the issue and received $1 ticket re-issued
please post all similar pokerstar App issues here so to keep an eye on it.
Stopping when the fun stops leaves us fun-less
Recently Ive found this same problem but only since receiving deposit bonus tickets...
three games I become chip favorite then get what seems like denial of service/access i tried every thing though only thing that seems to work is phone restart.
twice I've not been able to find game on return and once managed to get back but with only two bb in chip to play with.. even once on a cash game i wrote tilt in chat box and was blocked from checking button but every thing else continued fine...
I'm always questioning why did that happen at that particular time or do the poker staff have access to kill switch and certain other privileges, back door to the software glitch maybe.
so far it has only cost me $4 but on first occasion i was so "Grrrrr" i contacted support raised the issue and received $1 ticket re-issued
please post all similar pokerstar App issues here so to keep an eye on it.
Stopping when the fun stops leaves us fun-less