A Member
Silver Level
I want to vent a little bit about the extreme bad manners I encounter playing online. I play mostly at Noble and I usually just play the SNGs. Last night I got on a .25/.50 NL table for a bit just to kill some time. I was on the small blind with 9-10 suited, nobody had pushed the pot so I called the quarter to see a flop. The flop was 10-J-8 rainbow which gave me a pair of tens and an open ended straight draw. One player bet a buck, everyone folded to me and I called. The turn came an 8 which gave me 2 pair and still a straight draw. The bettor then pushed a $4 bet and I considered folding; however, I had a good drawing hand so why not. The river was a Q which gave me my straight. The bettor again pushed $4 and I just called as I figured we may be splitting the pot. Anyway, I won the other player had a J in the whole for 2 pair jacks & eights. This player immediately started getting very insulting about how stupid I was to make the call on the turn and river. His buddy chimed in with more comments about how ignorant I was and how stupid people always seem to catch on the river. I didn't comment, just stuck to my game and left the table a while later having made about $15. I am 6'-4", weigh 250 pounds and if anyone ever got that abusive with me live I would punch their lights out. I am so sick of these "pros" that have read a poker book that I am seriously considering quitting online play. Does anyone feel as I do?