Not having made a deposit on either site, why is it that I can play the CardsChat freerolls on WPT but not on PP?
I have placed twice on WPT and have even played their Global Spins with no problem.
At PP they say I have to activate my real money account and make a deposit.
So why do these sites treat the CC freerolls differently?
partypoker it is a necessity to deposit in order to be eligible to play their 'freerolls'.
If you plan on playing micro MTT's, or micro buyin cash games, or SnG's, Partypoker is a MILLION times better site than WPTglobal (it's not even close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Oh yah, and that's correct >>> Partypoker still has SnG's where most sites do not.
For making a deposit on Partypoker I'm pretty sure you can do so by using the 'Joker Prepaid
mastercard' (GiftCard) Available at Sobey's, Safeway, Shopper's Drug Mart (& maybe 7/11). You can pick up a $25 card. (go with the cards that already have the value of the card on them... not ones you need to load or re-load).
These cards will work on most (if not all) of the sites these days. There is a new restriction placed on the cards >>> max. deposit is $75 Canadian for merchants located in European Economic Area.
Even easier than using one of these cards is to just use 'e-transfer' directly from your bank account. If you're not comfortable doing this, then these Joker cards are your best bet (it used to be 'The Perfect Gift' Card - Mastercard but 'Joker' has become the one to go with now). also, fwiw, I've made 10's of thousands in transfers to my
poker sites via 'e-transfer'... very safe & efficient. And besides, when you do final table the Sunday Million, you're going to want to be able to get some of that money off the site... right? Best to have your
poker site set up so that it'll be simple to make Withdrawals on it.
And one last Partypoker pitch. Unfortunately they have done away with their automatic 20% Rakeback for everyone (minimum) and are now using a much crappier system with way smaller payouts but you can get lucky once in awhile. They give you chests to open depending upon how much you play (on a daily basis). In the past two weeks I managed to open $109 ticket! I cashed with one of them and won $150. Got close to the money with the other one but actually went out when I 4Bet allin preflop with 'AA' only to have the original raiser then 5-Bet All-in (to isolate my bounty? I only had a minimum bounty as I had zero KO's so far) with T8s WTF!?!?!? And he flops the nut straight! Ridiculous! Now I want another free ticket, lol.