Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
I've been having P2P transfer issues on Americas Cardroom and on Black Chip Poker for more than a week.
Other people, for example dealio96 / Stephen, are having similar issues.
I have spoken with Live Chat for both rooms, and their response has been "we are not aware of why the issue is happening, but we are working on it."
The transfers are processing, even though you are never notified via the webpage or via email.
Because I had no idea that the transfers were processing, I have been overshipping to people. For example, I sent $12 accidentally to Sue last week instead of $2. (I told her to keep it and to just use it for a stake).
This is the process:
I open the ACR (or BCP) client and click P2P Transfer.
ACR opens a "Transfer Money" page in Internet Explorer (ick).
I send a test of $1 to Stephen:
and then I click TRANSFER.
The IE page "processes" for about 15 seconds (you can see it "working" in the browser address bar), then the IE page fails with the following error:
This is the point where you would think it was a local, temporary error and you would repeat the transfer. Don't!
If you wait about 5 minutes and then check your P2P transaction history, you will see that the transfer did in fact complete. The link is at the bottom of the "Transfer Money" page:
Also, if you talk with Live Chat, they will verify that the transfer completed.
When you do the date search, if you are USA, you should include the date for tomorrow, since it is based on server time.
I sent the transfer at 11:34AM ET on THU 09OCT, and when I did the date search in P2P Transaction History, I searched from 10/09/2014 to 10/10/2014:
I am using the latest version of IE:
Other people, for example dealio96 / Stephen, are having similar issues.
I have spoken with Live Chat for both rooms, and their response has been "we are not aware of why the issue is happening, but we are working on it."
The transfers are processing, even though you are never notified via the webpage or via email.
Because I had no idea that the transfers were processing, I have been overshipping to people. For example, I sent $12 accidentally to Sue last week instead of $2. (I told her to keep it and to just use it for a stake).
This is the process:
I open the ACR (or BCP) client and click P2P Transfer.
ACR opens a "Transfer Money" page in Internet Explorer (ick).
I send a test of $1 to Stephen:
and then I click TRANSFER.
The IE page "processes" for about 15 seconds (you can see it "working" in the browser address bar), then the IE page fails with the following error:
This is the point where you would think it was a local, temporary error and you would repeat the transfer. Don't!
If you wait about 5 minutes and then check your P2P transaction history, you will see that the transfer did in fact complete. The link is at the bottom of the "Transfer Money" page:
Also, if you talk with Live Chat, they will verify that the transfer completed.
When you do the date search, if you are USA, you should include the date for tomorrow, since it is based on server time.
I sent the transfer at 11:34AM ET on THU 09OCT, and when I did the date search in P2P Transaction History, I searched from 10/09/2014 to 10/10/2014:
I am using the latest version of IE: