Whilst not entirely clear on how American laws pass, but from whati have read a lot of this is down also to appeasing the far-right religious nuts that seem to have a strong hand in theWhite House at the moment.
It seems stage 1 may have passed but at the moment that could be it for a while. It is almost like you been picked for the team but havent got the kit on yet and its not quite game day.
Yes the threat is there but just how are they going to work it - by asking credit card companies to pass on information

sounds a little fuzzy to me and with several million online a week who is going to arrest everyone? where are they going to be held, what punishment is there

As a few people have already mentioned - Invasion of Iraq, Israel attacking Lebannon, North Korea testing missles (why does no one talk about that one

) Afghanistan, so called terror alerts, oh and global warming - but no

Must stop people playing
poker online, behave, if that is a priority my already boiling pot of bile will spill

Enjoy and Peace