Silver Level
FULL Full Tilt freeroll entry secret.
You're late to get to the freeroll, it got full in like 10 seconds, but you really really want to play it. What to do , WHAT TO DO ?????
Ok, here is what has worked for me. I would guess that at least 10,000 others know it, cause it don't always work.
Because there are conscientious players out there who register and then realize they can't play, or don't want to , or whatever and then they unregister, there exists the possibility to get in after the tourneys are full.
If one is patient, one can sit there and try to mouse fast enough as the site reopens after each unregistration. I am too mouse discombubalated to be that fast. What I do is practice a 3 stroke maneuver that goes mouse click, spacebar, enter. The mouse pointer must be sitting where the register button will appear, and u still have to be fast.
As I have been doing this for sevearl weeks now, I can guess that one spot per minute is about the average availability of this 2nd chance. I can also tell you that there are others out there who are fast enuf to beat me.
This has almost never worked in the holdem freerolls there, but does well in the Omaha, HORSE, and Razz freerolls.
Something similiar might work on other sites.
I have of late tried to get the registration box up, entered verification and then waited for the next occurance of the register button. The notion there is that it is only one stroke away.
I want to say that any advantage in poker is a fair advantage, but would x-ray vision be fair?
You're late to get to the freeroll, it got full in like 10 seconds, but you really really want to play it. What to do , WHAT TO DO ?????
Ok, here is what has worked for me. I would guess that at least 10,000 others know it, cause it don't always work.
Because there are conscientious players out there who register and then realize they can't play, or don't want to , or whatever and then they unregister, there exists the possibility to get in after the tourneys are full.
If one is patient, one can sit there and try to mouse fast enough as the site reopens after each unregistration. I am too mouse discombubalated to be that fast. What I do is practice a 3 stroke maneuver that goes mouse click, spacebar, enter. The mouse pointer must be sitting where the register button will appear, and u still have to be fast.
As I have been doing this for sevearl weeks now, I can guess that one spot per minute is about the average availability of this 2nd chance. I can also tell you that there are others out there who are fast enuf to beat me.
This has almost never worked in the holdem freerolls there, but does well in the Omaha, HORSE, and Razz freerolls.
Something similiar might work on other sites.
I have of late tried to get the registration box up, entered verification and then waited for the next occurance of the register button. The notion there is that it is only one stroke away.
I want to say that any advantage in poker is a fair advantage, but would x-ray vision be fair?