Silver Level
This thread would be a kind of controll panel.
I heard in an audiobook that if you write down what you want you gain power. Dreams have no power. You can say "I wanna be a professional poker player", but that doesn't make sense. What does it mean professional? Making 100.000$ a year, or just to be listed at the Hendon Mob? So we need clear specified goals to reach what we want.
Here's the competition:
If you want to enter, first you need to decide your goal. The competition is about your bankroll, you should write down where you begin, and where you wanna end. For begginners it can be a goal to make from the 1$ freeroll winning 100$ in a month.
But you must choose a goal which you are not sure you can do it. What will challange you. You also have to write down a deadline for the reaching. (think in months or weeks)
As you write it down in this thread the others will be watching you, and you can't just loose your bankroll, coz that means a failure.
You can write down if you achieved 1/4 or 1/3 of your goal, and your getting closer, or if you are busted. If you reach the deadline you have to write down where you at. If you can make it, you can be proud of yourself, and we'll be proud also. CC needs players who can achieve their goals.
So this is gonna be fun, but you should take it seriosly. No re-deposits!
I heard in an audiobook that if you write down what you want you gain power. Dreams have no power. You can say "I wanna be a professional poker player", but that doesn't make sense. What does it mean professional? Making 100.000$ a year, or just to be listed at the Hendon Mob? So we need clear specified goals to reach what we want.
Here's the competition:
If you want to enter, first you need to decide your goal. The competition is about your bankroll, you should write down where you begin, and where you wanna end. For begginners it can be a goal to make from the 1$ freeroll winning 100$ in a month.
But you must choose a goal which you are not sure you can do it. What will challange you. You also have to write down a deadline for the reaching. (think in months or weeks)
As you write it down in this thread the others will be watching you, and you can't just loose your bankroll, coz that means a failure.
You can write down if you achieved 1/4 or 1/3 of your goal, and your getting closer, or if you are busted. If you reach the deadline you have to write down where you at. If you can make it, you can be proud of yourself, and we'll be proud also. CC needs players who can achieve their goals.
So this is gonna be fun, but you should take it seriosly. No re-deposits!