A Member
Silver Level
You're on the button at a full 10 seat table with Ah-Kh. When you're up, you post the appropriate raise and all but one person folds. The flop is 8h-6h-3c. You need the flush to assure (reasonably) victory so the question is - how many outs do you have.
Here's my answer - I have no idea. 23 cards were dealt to the table to the flop, you've seen 5 (your 2 and the flop). Of the 18 cards dealt that you haven't seen some or all of them may be hearts. The number that I hear on TV in this situation is 9 which is the maximum, assuming no hearts were dealt to the other players.
I grew up playing poker long before tables, charts, and software to track the hands so my answer and assumption is based on very simple reasoning. Be glad to hear what other folks have to say...
Here's my answer - I have no idea. 23 cards were dealt to the table to the flop, you've seen 5 (your 2 and the flop). Of the 18 cards dealt that you haven't seen some or all of them may be hearts. The number that I hear on TV in this situation is 9 which is the maximum, assuming no hearts were dealt to the other players.
I grew up playing poker long before tables, charts, and software to track the hands so my answer and assumption is based on very simple reasoning. Be glad to hear what other folks have to say...