Forum Admin
A lot of members ask about the best places to stay in Vegas - and we are here to help you! You can check out this page:
Las Vegas Guide
We also have our own reviews in this thread! You can help us out by giving a review of the hotels you have stayed at in Vegas and we will link your review next to that hotel.
Also mention if they have a poker room or not and whether they host tournaments if you know.
We want restaurant recommendations too so feel free to leave those!
You will find many member reviews by clicking on the links below. You can also ask questions here.
Stay and Play:
Aria - Debi, theevildub, KyeRorrley, MEJ, Debi, Scott Rzonos, Kirstenoli91, Mortis, SPANKYSN, LOKIE77
Arizona Charlie's - Peter Jankowski
Ballys - arahel_jazz, Debi, fingers182005, martycaridi, Icid86, johnnylawford, Atl2000, IADaveMark
Bellagio - fubarcdn, SPANKYSN, Acehigh562, Mr Sandman, paulsmall007, mitchellstein45069, PokerSki, PLAYFUL1, johnnylawford, Sidetracked
Caesar's - Gambit11th, Jacki Burkhart, paulsmall007, szopikos, damgold, Debi, fingers182005, Mortis, lablelarry, johnnylawford, Atl2000, Sidetracked, Deeznutzzzz, Amanda A, Emily Trott
Casino Royale - johnnylawford
Circus Circus - joshtheking1, wacosteel, likesitthere
Cosmopolitan - arahel_jazz, Amanda A, johnnylawford, Amanda A
CWS - Rdsxfan
Ellis Island Casino - Emily Trott
Encore - Grearix
Excaliber - rifflemao, bolenator, MackemMan
Flamingo - fubarcdn, rifflemao, natsgrampy, Jacki Burkhart, crazyforchips, Debi, tbdbitl, ARMYNAC, karakonjel1, kbaker420, szopikos, Cdub512, ATL2000, Pokerstudy, Emily Trott
Gold Coast - dontquit, TakinOver
Golden Nugget - bolenator, Stonwy1991, Mortis, Amanda A, frederixo, jastagg042286, GrouxLive, Old Islander, CoreyCA, belerophon, Mortis, Pokerstudy
Grand Valley Ranch - lightning36
Harrahs - Jacki Burkhart
Horseshoe - Emily Trott
Lady Luck - WJMKAM
La Quinta Inn & Suites Red Rock/Summerlin - Anatolie Fomov
Las Vegas Hilton - Chasin Rivers
LINQ - zcorrell0326, Jacki Burkhart, mcgregor_415, lablelarry
Luxor - Shells, wabbitfry18, aolguin3, hufty, popstani, BobbyMorton
Mandalay Bay - Icid86
MGM - Debi, Jacki Burkhart, 1prophecy, kbaker420, DaNutts, Coolpapa1976, BussinessSox
Mirage - Shells, BobbyMorton
Monte Carlo - Debi, Jacki Burkhart, fishmasterbaiter
Motel 6 - m3th0s
Las Vegas Guide
We also have our own reviews in this thread! You can help us out by giving a review of the hotels you have stayed at in Vegas and we will link your review next to that hotel.
Also mention if they have a poker room or not and whether they host tournaments if you know.
We want restaurant recommendations too so feel free to leave those!
You will find many member reviews by clicking on the links below. You can also ask questions here.
Stay and Play:
Aria - Debi, theevildub, KyeRorrley, MEJ, Debi, Scott Rzonos, Kirstenoli91, Mortis, SPANKYSN, LOKIE77
Arizona Charlie's - Peter Jankowski
Ballys - arahel_jazz, Debi, fingers182005, martycaridi, Icid86, johnnylawford, Atl2000, IADaveMark
Bellagio - fubarcdn, SPANKYSN, Acehigh562, Mr Sandman, paulsmall007, mitchellstein45069, PokerSki, PLAYFUL1, johnnylawford, Sidetracked
Caesar's - Gambit11th, Jacki Burkhart, paulsmall007, szopikos, damgold, Debi, fingers182005, Mortis, lablelarry, johnnylawford, Atl2000, Sidetracked, Deeznutzzzz, Amanda A, Emily Trott
Casino Royale - johnnylawford
Circus Circus - joshtheking1, wacosteel, likesitthere
Cosmopolitan - arahel_jazz, Amanda A, johnnylawford, Amanda A
CWS - Rdsxfan
Ellis Island Casino - Emily Trott
Encore - Grearix
Excaliber - rifflemao, bolenator, MackemMan
Flamingo - fubarcdn, rifflemao, natsgrampy, Jacki Burkhart, crazyforchips, Debi, tbdbitl, ARMYNAC, karakonjel1, kbaker420, szopikos, Cdub512, ATL2000, Pokerstudy, Emily Trott
Gold Coast - dontquit, TakinOver
Golden Nugget - bolenator, Stonwy1991, Mortis, Amanda A, frederixo, jastagg042286, GrouxLive, Old Islander, CoreyCA, belerophon, Mortis, Pokerstudy
Grand Valley Ranch - lightning36
Harrahs - Jacki Burkhart
Horseshoe - Emily Trott
Lady Luck - WJMKAM
La Quinta Inn & Suites Red Rock/Summerlin - Anatolie Fomov
Las Vegas Hilton - Chasin Rivers
LINQ - zcorrell0326, Jacki Burkhart, mcgregor_415, lablelarry
Luxor - Shells, wabbitfry18, aolguin3, hufty, popstani, BobbyMorton
Mandalay Bay - Icid86
MGM - Debi, Jacki Burkhart, 1prophecy, kbaker420, DaNutts, Coolpapa1976, BussinessSox
Mirage - Shells, BobbyMorton
Monte Carlo - Debi, Jacki Burkhart, fishmasterbaiter
Motel 6 - m3th0s
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