Great thread Juicy when I play homegames I tell everybody to arrive at 6.30pm if plan on starting game at 7pm as somebody is always late,
I try to keep it simple 10,000 chips for 10 euro minimum buy in up to 100,000 chips for euro 100 buy in but people have bought in more if wanted later in night.
Rebuys available sit out available if need a break like a cash game structure blinds normally start at 100 and 200 but can go up later in night if agreement by players denominations start at 100 white 500 blue 1000 red 5000 green 10000 black,
Usually every hour blinds 200 and 400 then 400 and 800 500 and 1000 for example varies at times.
I do not use antes as it is time consuming always reminding players to post!
The most important things I found was to have a couple of table cloth felts as they can get destroyed my accident with people eating food or drinking beer,
And also have a dozen or more decks of cards as I often have to throw out cards due to getting damaged much easier than the table cloth.
I bought 3 large poker sets with good quality heavy chips over the years so you have plenty of chips for a big group of players and are not always changing denominations regularly.
Have the kitty with cash in a free spot on poker table so players see what they are playing for motivates them but separate the chips and get the person on your left to count each others stack before starting to make sure right chips received.
Normally keep rebuy chips in small padlocked box so drunk messing players can not just grab them and jump into game.
Then the main thing is to have fun and enjoy the night as it can get competitive.
Have posted most of what I do in homegames above in different thread but realised there is more that I did not mention so will add to it.
A good sound system with music the majority like on as well not played too high or too low just somewhere nice in the middle.
I tell people they are not coming to a hotel to be waited on lol and as I do not drink alcohol if they want to they will have to bring their own,
But I do make sure to be stocked up on tea coffee soft drinks and biscuits or snacks for people to eat.Then the main thing is to pick a time and I find a quick phonecall on the day to remind them or see if they are still coming so you know what you need for seating and food arrangements some people even say thanks for reminding me I forgot.

Then the cash game structure I find is the best as some people will arrive late or leave early due to work or family committments and cash game structure does not interfere the flow of the game.
Then sit back relax have fun enjoy the game some homegames I have played went on for 15 or 16 hours lol