He cheated??? No one can know more than her.
She couldn't spend her money thinking her hand was better??? She if she could spend it and win
The good guy looked like an idiot who was laughed at by everyone at the table???? And yes, it was.
If you watch the entire video and see the rest of the previous hands from all the players, except a few like Phil Ivey and the man sitting to his right, and then the man sitting to Garrett's right who generally call hands acceptably good or good hands, the rest including the woman call with hands 82, 62 54, 25, 93, J3 or whatever horrible card they have in their hands.
Another thing, the woman did not pay an all in seen on the river. Instead, she called him all in on the turn. If we talk so much about the mathematical laws of odds / outs Garrett, the number of cards he had on the river to win was infinite. He even had a straight flush draw. In other words, we have the right to think that the Lady believed to die that she was a bluff and we all know that when a woman has a thought it almost always happens that until she discovers that it is true, not for hahahahaha
The only thing I can criticize the woman for is that she spoke a lot in the post-hand and gave many explanations that in the end, if one analyzes them, they are not very credible, a situation that gave Garrett the opportunity to enlarge and go with great force in his statements considering an alleged trap.
One thinks, if instead of having the cards, the Lady had Phil Ivey and called, what would Garrett have argued, that Phil Ivey cheated??? I put a super bluff vs bluff by Phil Ivey as an example.
In other words, we should only consider that the Lady cheated and she did not have the intelligence or the instinct to guess a bluff ???
There are many questions, what if we know that the heartthrob was ridiculous, and in truth this is not healthy for anyone.
And well, the Casino has already had several player cheating scandals and has always acted accordingly, because this is really not good propaganda for the Casino.
What if we can ensure that, whether or not there has been a cheat, this hand ...... I remain for history!!!!
greetings friend